Some sort of Deal

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Well they took out a tube. This was going to get good.

"Arm out please," asked the black cop.

"Leave my house please," I replied...


Waking up on the floor of an unfamiliar place I tried to remember nothing. I try to sit up, but there laid a cat on my stomach. This is not good! So I laid back down, and nothing. Nothing but this nagging feeling that I was going to regret this later.

"Quit thinking it hurts," holy crap the cat just talked.

"What is going on and what the hell happened?" I asked back to see if I imaged it.

"Well...( he gave me a recap of what happen yesterday, and thank God I didn't give them anything)!" Shit no wonder he can talk. OK, I don't remember anything and this cat can talk because if a spell? The worst part is that he won't give his name. What in all the possible outcomes am I going to do about all this?

"Shit, OK I don't get why I can't remember my past? Plus have the horrible feeling that I can only trust you? Anything to that?"

"No," spoke the horrible feline. So with all this new information I took a nap where ever I was.


I woke up to the door opening, "An hour more please I want to sleep some more." I closed my eyes again.

Whom ever it was sat down and watched me falling back asleep.


Unknown POV.

I went into the abandon building for a break as normal, but this time there was a girl in there. No one ever came in here but me scene it was left.

"Wake me in an hour..."
I sat down and watched her slip into a deeper sleep. I can't really see her face without waking her up also, I kept my powers to myself in case she isn't human. The elders told us to keep the secret to our graves unless they were the one for us. I've heard that they smell amazing, their eyes suck you in, and very rarely it is the first touch of each other's hands.

But she doesn't smell, her eyes are closed, and to touch her might wake her up. So I sat there and, well I still get paid either way I am the boss. This is just great I am now into a girl that is not into me.

Her body started to move. It looked like she was deprived of air. Almost as if someone was pulling it out of her lungs. With her head back hair touching the ground. The girls back arched and, her arms just dangling there by her side. It lasted for minutes till she took a breath. Looking around she stop to feel her stomach confused.

"Stupid feline and, to think I felt compelled to trust him," she mumbled. I fold my legs so she could hear me,"has it been an hour yet?"

I shook my head yes. She...didn't look my way. I watched her waiting for some information from her body language but, I got no such luck.

Adri POV

Well I had another nightmare well not really but, that is what stepy called it. Someone else saw it yea. Not! So they let me sleep over an hour ugh. So I remember what the cat told me and well never did he say another name besides mine. So I decided to call my step mum stepy till I knew her name.

I look around hoping to find a way out and nothing. So how am I here? This figure hasn't said anything but, I feel power deep within them. "Will you speak?"

"What is it you want me to say?" Their voice was so perfect I could not put description on it.

"Well are you male or female because I am not looking at you till I feel safe."

"Male... So do you feel any safer?" You could here the smile in that voice of his.

"Nope not at all and, what shall I refer to you as uh?" Testing the waters was the only thing I could do at this point. He did not speak for a few moments so I waited. Still nothing and I was tempted to look but held strong.

"That's depending on if I get something to call you in return..., and if you turn around?" He question it as he wasn't sure on my reaction.

"Ok," it was a simple thing to do and I still don't have to look at him I just have to turn around.

"Call me Rix." It was my turn now so, I turn slowly and kept my eyes close. Then turned back around like not a single thing happened. Hope he isn't too mad at me now.

"You may refer to me as Adri." I stood up hoping to find a way out now! The room felt so much smaller but, it wasn't even moving? I couldn't understand what he wants. "So Rix do you want to make a deal?" I hope this is interning enough.

"What kind of deal and is it paper or verbal?" Yes it sounds like it will work.

"Well I want out of here and seeing I have no paper and pen so verbal... So what is it you want?"

"What are you offering?" He question back.

"Depends on what you want?" This is going great so far...-

"Well how 'bout a kiss our lips to lips... and, a date. So what else do you want dear besides leaving this building?" Damn he is smooth for this situation.

" I could see kissing you if that date went well enough and I want ensured safety from here till the end of the date day and fifty dollars in tens right after we leave this building, " it took me long enough to say that. More like I was rambling all of that.

"I will agree to that if two kiss and we look each other in the eyes on the date. Just so you know that involved hand holding Miss." I heard the smirk on his face when he said that.

"OK, then the guide lines are set and the deal has been agreed upon by me..."

"As well me. Now let's get your money and start this date."

Well I saw that one coming so I got out of my head and followed him while looking at the ground. Not saying another word unless he started the conversation.

'I hope it's not too wrong to hope that he is a hot jerk so, that I hurt him when I leave. I guess I will have to wait to see how this all plays out now won't I. '

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