Yes! Wait NO!!!

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Adri's POV

"If you must know I'm mad. Oh and where is the bathroom? I have to pee." Ok I could of said that better... oh well.

"Up the stairs third door on the right in that room is a bathroom," he replied slightly confused. I broke from his grasp and ran! I really had to pee. I went up the stairs like he said, and made it to the room. I turned around to find the door opened it and slammed it shut as I pulled down my pants to pee. Thank the people above! I love all of the gods and goddesses that are real at this moment.

When I was done I flushed and then washed my hands. I refuse to look into the mirror at this point. After my hands were clean I went back into the room to find a bed was in there. Damn I should of went looking around. Oh well i took off my shoes, pants, and hey I wasn't wearing socks? Anyway I got under the covers and tried to slept. But just before I heard the door open and close, just before sleep consumed me.


Waking up the next day was hard. There were was something wrapped around my waist. I snuggled into what ever it was. "Yes beautiful? " came a deep sexy low voice.

"What?" I sat up looking around taking in the room. Holy hell! Everything from last night came back to me in a flash.

"Calm down, and besides you still have to tell me what is happening." He is in the same bed as me and is shirtless!!!! Shit I didn't have any pants on!

"I know that, but I would like a shower first," oh help me!

"Ok but I'll take that last kiss now," oh please shoot the guy right now! He is an asshat a really really big asshat. I leaned over to him and tried to get a way with a peck on the lips, but he had other plans. It was a major mistake making this deal. I like his good looks and he can make me feel kind of happy. Ugh! I moved away, "there that was three now I'm going to shower!" I got out of bed grabbed my pants and shoes off the floor. I walked in to the bathroom, I locked the door.

Haha I dead right or this a dream because I want to wake up. I pinched my arm nope it was real. So I striped out of what I had on. Then turned on the shower all the way in hot. When the water hit my skin I started moaning it felt so good.

I got out when the water turned cold. "Hey down here," I jumped. Looking down I saw the cat. I let out the breath I just holding.

"What the hell Easter I could of screamed and gave us away?"  The damn cat just looked at me. "Let me guess you wouldn't let that happen?"

"Yep oh and I swapped out your clothing," he was smiling I swear.

"Thanks I think," I turned to the sink to see... god help me. There was a black dress with black lace under wear and bra. I sighed, picked them up and put it on. The dress was a but snug though.

"Oh you look good I hope you like that the dress comes to mid thigh. But I know that you my dear will love the shoes." I sat on the edge of the tub I don't look around the bathroom in case I end up looking at my self.

"What shoes did you get me?" I asked.

"Why don't you look for your self Adri?" Damn it this cat.

Black pumps with the same lace flower pattern. I put them on and walked out. I went to the door that leads out of the room, because I didn't want to see Rix. He would be punched in the face if he tried something I swear.

I made it to the door with out falling down! Yea me who knew I could walk in heels? "Stupid girl follow me so we can get food in you." That cat is so rude!

"Calm your self cat I'm trying to remember how to walk in these heels.  Besides are we still New York?"

"Yes we are. If you wouldn't mind picking me up and petting that would be great." He is so lucky I like him.

I swiped him up and did that. I went down the stairs to find a kitchen. "So which way oh mighty Easter?"

"Down to the right and then second door to the left," cocky cat. I did as instructed, but I still won't look around. "Why aren't you taking all this in?"

"Well it would be because I might miss it... you really need to get inside my head to understand," Was all I replied. He seemed satisfied with the answer. I made it in to the kitchen, yea. "Do you want cream if there is some?"

"Yes I do and what happened to oh mighty Easter?" Dumb cat.

"You lost it when you started pissing me off," well that held a lot of sass. I found a cast iron skillet, a spatula, a glass, a fork, two bowl, potatoes, onions, Tony's (spice), and some Chian pepper, eggs, and ground beef. I started cooking the beef and chopped onions when the beef was almost done I through in the chopped up potatoes. With the meat done and potatoes almost done I cracked some eggs into the skillet. When it was done I put a little in Easter bowl. And a lot in mine. I also got a glass of water, and I could not find any cream.

Oh well one I finished seconds I draped the cat around my neck as a scarf. He told me how I could get to the portal in this place. By the time I got to the room I saw Rix sitting in a chair across from it eating what made? "This is good what's it called?"

"Cowboy potatoes, so the thing is I never killed anyone yet! And I have to find my mum... and well I may have pissed of a few companies." There that was the whole bargain. Yes, I can't shit we are still 'dating'. "I must be going now so bye" Easter was becoming impatient.

"Where to love? Don't you think that you should tell your 'Boyfriend' these things?" He asked as it was the most common thing in the world.


"Easter I haven't had time to tell you of the deal and you are the one to ditch me!" I took a deep breath, " By the way you feline! I do, but do you tell me everything no no you don't. So if I were to with hold on this information till I was out of this mess the yeah I think it was the right call. See what you made me do you cat I am ranting! Ugh!"

He muttered, "I guess so sorry... ." Did he just apologize to me? I think he did omg!

"Who is Easter, and what is going on here love?" That idiot he got up from the chair.

"I can't I'm busy so bye in two weeks and a few days please know that I broke up with you then. I have to get going now." I opened the door to the portal he slowly edged his way to me, but I jumped in with Easter. 


We made it to my apartment I saw the wards. Thank Gods that you can't just appear into my home. I walked through the door place the wards on hold as I did and giving them a little more power as I put them back up.

I had Easter go through the door first. He saw a girl named... well he never said! Somehow it brought back memories when I walked in on her nap.

I saw Faith on my couch I checked the rest of the apartment. I let out a breath, because it was just her here. I looked at Easter he knew what I was thinking! He he... so he jumped off my shoulders and yelled into her ears.

She jumped up looking around with her eyes landing on me, "What the hell... did you get back from talking to Lucifer?" I chuckled oh how I missed her. I shook my head no. "Well what then? We never got your blood you disappeared right after you told us to leave." I shrugged my shoulders and pointed to the cat.

"We don't know, but why not ask about her boyfriend?" Shit I will hurt that cat one of these days.

"Not much to say we will be broken up in two weeks and five ish days."                       With that information Faith throw me on the couch, and then sat on me. Ugh I really don't like these two.     "Please get off you fat hippo!" I screeched. The stupid cat filled her in on what he knew. Oh but again with no names? That was odd well to me it was.

"What that is chuckholes!" She seamed at me.

"The hell is chuckholes?" I shot back. How does she always get to me uh?

"Bloody bloody hell! That is clear deflection." I made no comment and went to bed. After a while her and the cat came to lay beside me. With all that has happened sleep didn't come easily. I mean why would it for me of all people? Who knows not me!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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