Stay With Me ( Depressed!Levi x Reader)

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(Y/n) = your name
(F/c) = favourite colour
(S/c) = skin colour
(E/c) = eye colour
(H/l) = hair length
(H/c) = hair colour

Please listen to the song whilst reading 💕

It was a dark gloomy day. Rain was pouring hard against the window of Corporal Levi's office. He sat there quietly at his desk, writing down the paper work and letters to certify the deaths of his squad.

"Tch, this fucking rain is so loud." Levi muttered in disgust. Rubbing his temples, he leaned back in his chair and sighed. He missed his squad, only you and himself had survived the wrath of the female Titan. Levi was thankful you had survived, the thought of that smile you gave him fading away, your beautiful (h/c) hair no longer swaying as you walked. It hurt him to even think of it. You were the reason Corporal Levi would have sleepless nights, tossing and turning at the empty side of his bed, longing for you to be there.

There was a knock at the door, distracting Levi from his thoughts.

"State your name and business" he mutters lowly. Stopping the scribbling at the page, staring at the door, waiting for the person to respond.

'I am not in the right state of mind to have fucking visitors or more shitty paper work' he thought to himself, tapping his foot in an annoyed manner.

"Corporal, it's (y/n). I have some tea for you." The voice said sweetly. There was a hint of sadness in her voice, (y/n) was devastated at the loss of her fellow team mates, her friends.

Levi's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't seen (y/n) since the attack of the female Titan.

The corporal shot up from his seat, marching towards the door. Grabbing hold of the golden door knob, he twisted it and yanked the door open, seeing none other than the love of his life.

"Good evening, (y/n). Please come in and put the tea on the desk." Levi said, his usual stoic expression never changing.

(Y/n) blushed. She wasn't usually invited into the captains office. Holding onto the tray of two cups and a tea pot along with two little cups of milk and sugar, she gracefully walked towards his desk.

"Cadet, is there any specific reason why there are two cups?" Levi asked, pouring the contents of the teapot into his cup.

"E-Erm well I didn't know if you wanted two cups or if you wanted me to keep you co-company" (y/n) stammered.
Levi looks up at her, a tiny smile creeping up onto his pale cheeks. The corporal then poured another cup of tea, pushing the small piece of China towards the young woman.

(Y/n) smiled, sitting on the couch holding her steaming cup, blushing slightly at the sight of the handsome man before her.

"So, corporal, how's the paper work going?" The cadet asked quietly, looking at the raven haired man sat at his desk.

"Tch. Call me Levi when we are alone. As for the paper soon as I think I'm finished, I have a shitty cadet come into my office with another pile of it." Levi said annoyed, getting up from his desk and sitting next to cadet (y/n).
"Truth is, I'm tired of paper work, lately all I'm writing about is the deaths of our fallen squad. Why can't anyone understand I'm fucking grieving? Tch. Fucking brats."

(Y/n) was shocked, levi never opens up about his feelings to anyone... Why are you different? You averted your gaze from your cup of tea towards the older man. He looked so sad, he was looking down towards the ground, his usual bored expression now showing a pained one. You decided to take a huge risk... And comfort him...

You gentle put your cup down, freeing your hands of the drink and moving it towards Levi. Slowly you put your hand on his kneecap, moving your body closer to his and leaning your head on his shoulder.

"I understand you're grieving Levi." You mustered up your courage, getting ready for what you was about to say.
"I care about you a lot. Please don't keep these feelings to yourself" you whispered, wrapping your free arm around his broad ones.

Levi tensed up, looking down at the young cadet. Everything started to go blurry, tears forming in the corporals eyes.
"My squad... They are dead because of me. It was my fault..." He whimpered, barely above a whisper. A tear escaping and running down his cheek.

"What? Levi, no please don't blame this on yourself!!" (Y/n) pleaded. She grabbed his tea and put it on the ground. Taking a hold of his hands, she crouched beneath him, looking up into his sad eyes.
"This is only the female Titans fault. Please stop dwelling on the past... Look at what's in front of you damn it!!! There's people here who love you.. I LOVE YOU!!" She shouted. A gasp escaped her mouth, realising what she's just said. Shooting up to her feet, (y/n) quickly backed away.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I must-go" she stammered, crying softly, she started walking towards the door. Grabbing hold of the knob and opening the door quickly, only for it to be slammed shut by someone behind her.

"I didn't fucking dismiss you, did I, brat?" Levi whispered into (y/n)'s ear, sending shivers down her spine. His breathing was shallow, his hand still resting against the door. Levi moved his free hand, placing it on her hip and snaking his arms around her waist, pulling himself closer to her.

"Where are your manners? You should look at your corporal when he is talking to you cadet." He whispered huskily before quickly flipping you around, trapping you with his steel, tear stained gaze.

Before you could even think, his soft lips were crashing onto yours with great force. You was too shocked to even move for a second, he returns the feelings?? You closed your eyes slowly, wrapping your arms around the mans neck, returning the kiss.

Levi groaned, moving his self closer to you, pinning you against the door. The older man licks your lips, begging to invade his new territory. You oblige willingly, opening your mouth wide, feeling Levi's wet tongue slip into your wet cavern. A slight moan escapes your lips, just after, Levi pulls away.

"Stay with me, (y/n)"  Levi whispers, his lust filled eyes looking into yours lovingly.

"Be mine forever"


OMG, THIS WAS MY FIRST EVER LEVI X READER ONE SHOT!!! What do you think?? 💕be sure to save this to your library, vote etc as there will be many more to come 😍

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