Chepter Juan: Noo Kied

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I knew something was different the day he stepped through the door.

Brendon Urie.

Gerard, in the seat to my right, scoffed. "Well waddaya know. Another supe."

That's what we called ourselves and the other supernatural beings, to keep from looking too suspicious and getting caught. Supes.

My eyes widened in fear. "You think he's gonna cause trouble?"

"We all do, Stumpy," Gerard chuckled, smacking the lid of my fedora, causing it to tilt down onto my face. "But I don't know about this guy. He's something special."

"All right, morning class," Mr. Winchester, the history teacher, said, walking in late as usual. "So, uh, today we have a new- oh come on!"

The whole class burst out laughing. Someone, probably Gerard, had drawn a big blue moose on the whiteboard, but this moose had Mr. Winchester's head with antlers. Above it was scrawled, "HSTRY M80 8/8 YE"

Mr. Winchester just shook his head. "Kids," I heard him mutter under his breath. "All-alright. Like I was saying, we have a new student. Brendan-uh- 'your-eye?' Did I pronounce that right?"

"Brendan Urie, sir," Brendan said. I could tell the way this guy was standing he meant business. He looked cocky, and I heard Gerard mutter, "Give me a break." I gave the vampire a glare, but he shrugged it off.

"Yeah, yeah, close enough," Winchester said. "Now then. World War II-Gerard, for the millionth time, take your feet off your desk- was in-"

The new supe walked over and sat in a desk in the back of the room. He smoothed back his hair with a hand and opened his newly-given book.

"This guy's a lunatic! He thinks he's a big-shot. I'll show him his place soon enough."

I looked down at my book. Gerard was the supe in charge in this part of town, and he liked it that way. He had to show it one way or another, but most of the time, well, almost all the time, it involved fighting. In which Gerard always won.

"Mr. Stump, is your head in the clouds today?" Mr. Winchester asked me, looking me right in the eyes. The class giggled, Gerard the loudest.

My cheeks reddened, and my eyes moved submissively to the floor. "No, Mr. Winchester. I'm paying attention. Promise."

"Yeah, sure," Mr. Winchester said. "Now-"

A shred of paper slipped onto my desk. I lifted it up, and in messy writing it read, "Smooth move, killer -G".

I rolled my eyes. I drew a really bad-looking middle finger on the back and sneakily put it on Gerard's desk.

Well, by sneakily, I mean I threw it and hoped Mr. Winchester didn't see, then put on the worst and most nervous-looking poker-face ever made.

Gerard chuckled quietly, folded the paper and put it in his jeans pocket. A worksheet was passed out to us, and we started working on it.

"Hey," Gerard muttered. "This correct?"

He passed his paper to me, and he had filled every line with the word "penis."

I smiled. "Gerard, you lived through World War II. I'd think you'd know-" I stifled a laugh. "That it's completely correct."

"Good!" Gerard quietly cheered. "Wait, one more thing." He drew on the paper and held it up again. "Now it's perfect." He'd drawn the moose again, this time the face more derpy.

"Yep," I said. "Perfect! You know, for a guy that has lived close to a hundred years, you'd think you'd learn how to draw."

Gerard put his hand on his chest and gave me an offended look, obviously fake. "Your words hurt me, friend."

"Yeah, yeah," I said, writing on my own sheet. "You ready for marching band today?"

"Yeah," Gerard replied. I noticed he was doing his clarinet fingerlings on his mechanical pencil. "It's gonna be great. I have to work my ass off, play, and march, while you just stand there, mingle with the teachers, and work the met."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm sorry for being a drum major and doing my job."

"Yeah, whatever," Gerard replied, sticking his feet back up on the desk. He pulled out some earbuds and started listening to music.

Mr. Winchester walked over. "Hey. Earth to Gerard! What did I tell you about listening to music in my class?"

"Do it if I want to?" Gerard replied. It was a surprise he could hear, the music was so loud I was sure even Brendon in the back could hear.

"No, I said not to," Mr. Winchester yelled. I chuckled a little, I guessed he thought Gerard couldn't hear him. "So pull out your earbuds. And take your feet off the desk!"

Gerard scoffed. "Fine, teach." I could tell what look he was giving the teacher, it was a look I'd seen for years- he was trying to trying to show him he was in charge. I wanted to tell him to knock it off, but I didn't want it to result in me getting trouble as well.

I cleared my throat to try and get Gerard's attention, but I figured it was no use. His eyes were glued to the teacher's, unmoving.

Mr. Winchester looked away after what seemed like an eternity, sighing. "Just go in the hall. Now."

Gerard smiled at his victory. "Yes, sir." As he got up, Mr. Winchester picked up his sheet and rolled his eyes.

At the end of class, Gerard was there, waiting for me with his usual cocky smile.

"Smooth move, killer," I said jokingly. All I got as a reply was a middle finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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