Crazy Women

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Sophia Pov

The frosting fell to the floor as everyone in the shop stared at the mystery man with pie all over his face.

"You obviously don't know who I am" He says as he wipes the cream off of his face. He's not a celebrity, but he did seem familiar for some reason.

" Well unless you're Channing Tatum or Zac Efron then I don't really give a damn" I say back. "Going around ordering black coffee like he owns the place," I mutter under my breath. Charlie runs over to me and grabs my arm. We turn around so they can't see our faces.

" He does own the place Soph, that's Xavier Pierce" Charlie whispers. "And he's not very well known for his kindness" He looks at me worriedly. Ah yes, the Pierce family they own almost the whole city. I'm screwed,  even a screwdriver couldn't help me now. With this new information I swiftly turn around with a smile on my face. Now to sacrifice my pride.

" Oh my god Mr. Pierce, I am so sorry I didn't know it was you."  I say to try and make amends. He looks at me and I'm sure this is the first and last day Sophia's will be open.

" Well obviously. I hope this doesn't happen often, the whole pie throwing." He says, his eyes shining with - dare I say amusement?  Play it cool Sophia, you can't lose this bakery.

" Nah, I was just trying it out. You know spice things up" Was my pitiful response.

" Well next time stick with sugar, sweetie" With a wink he left, without a word about how my shop was doomed or how I would never find work again. I stare at the door in disbelief even after the shop went back to normal.

" Well I guess he's kinder than he looks" I say to Charlie. He looks up then leans in.

" No you got this all wrong, he just split up with his fiance and he called you sweetie. He's planning something." Charlie says his eyes darting back and forth as if a spy is going to pop out.

" Don't worry Charles, nothing is gonna happen" I hope.


Xavier Pov

I step out of the elevator and pass my assistant. Key lime cream falling from my hair as I go.

" Mr. Pierce there is a woman in your office, she refused to wait" My assistant, Tara said. Woman? Maybe its that women from the shop. No it can't be. Tara looks at me weirdly, " Sir, why do you have pie in your hair?" she asks hesitantly, I'm not exactly known for my kind behavior.

" Do I pay you to ask me questions?"

"No, sir "

"Then don't"

And with that I head into my office. As soon as I step into my office I can tell who it is. Alicia O'Connor my ex-fiance.

" Hello Dear. How have you been?" She asks sweetly. This time I know better, I was never in love with her but I still has some feelings toward her. That's why it hurt when I found her in bed with my brother. The betrayal of my brother was no surprise, he's hated me since I took over the business instead of him.

" Why are you here Alicia?" I ask tiredly. I'm not in the mood to put up with her drama. Having a pie thrown at you really wears you out. I smile as I remember the way Sophias eyes widened when she realize who I was.

" I hope you're smiling because you're happy to see me. And I'm here to make up with you. Look, I know that it all seems bad at the moment but there is really no reason why we shouldn't be together. I love you baby." She pouts.

" Look Alicia I don't want anything to do with you. So leave." I nod my head to the door.

"But baby, we can work this out" She nods her head and smiles.

"No" I sit down at my chair and leave her on the couch where she sat down. I start to ruffle threw the papers I have to sign.

"It's because of another woman isn't it?!" Alicia screeches. Pathetic, for her to resort to me being the cheater.  Then I hear a crash to my right and look over to see a broken lamp. What is it with women and me being a target today?

" Did you just throw...There isn-" I start to say before I realize that this may be my golden ticket, if I say I found a new fiance then Alicia will leave me alone. 

"You're right Alicia, I could never lie to you. I am seeing someone else." I look up at her. Her hands are clenched and her jaw is set in a weird way. She then composes herself by taking a deep breath.

" Well I would love to meet her. She obviously captured your heart, I assume she's the reason you're wearing pie on your head?" She looks at me coolly.

" Of course we shall set up a dinner." I say smoothly back. And I know just the girl to play my fiance. I just need to keep her away from pies.

" It's a date"

After Alicia leaves I'm left with my work, when mt door burst open and my childhood friend and manager enters. Ethan Heath I've known him since I was 7 years-old and I dared him to climb a tree. A hospital trip later and we were inseparable. 

" Dude I hate to break it to you but you need a shower" He says when he sees my appearance.

" No shit Sherlock I seem to be a great target for crazy beautiful women today." I say. He looks at me then smirks.

" Someone has a crush on the baker girl doesn't he?" He teases. 

" How did you find out about that?" 

" It's all over the internet, bruh you're famous. People are 'shipping' you and this Sophia chick." 

" Well considering shes going to be my fiance, I don't have a problem with that" I smirk.

" Uhh I don't know man from the video she doesn't seem to be giving off the ' I love you' vibe"

" Okay let me rephrase that. Shes going to be my fake fiance, she just doesn't know it yet.

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