Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This (JSE)

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This is a small JSE fic I wrote after hearing an old song on the radio the other day. Hope you like it! 


The music was loud and the room was crowded. I had plans to leave LA in the morning for home but tonight Mark was throwing a party and it was in full swing. I saw her charging toward me a huge smile on her face and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Come on Jack! Let's dance!" She grabbed the beer out of my hand and put it down on the table. I laughed and let her drag me out to the middle of the room. As we reached the center the music changed to a slow song. I stopped short, slow songs were not our thing.

"You waited to long Frankie. This is to slow! " She turned and glared at me.

"Sean William McLoughlin, we are going to dance whether you like it or not!" She stomped a heeled foot and I laughed.

"Fine, but you are going to have to lead, I don't slow dance." She put her hands on my shoulder and smiled, pulling me closer to her. She let one hand fall down to mine and guided it to the small of her back. I felt the denim of her jeans and silk of her shirt on my hand. She switched and placed the other one there as well and pulled me even closer. I could feel our hips touching, she leaned her head toward my ear and whispered, "Now sway, it's easy." I felt her hips move in time with the music and I followed suit.

Frankie was a friend, we played video games together, and I never saw her in this way before. But there in the shadowed living room of Marks house I couldn't help but find her alluring and beautiful. When I thought back, it had first hit me at the water park earlier in the week. I had assumed that was just because she was a female wearing a bathing suit top and shorts, but maybe I was wrong. Tonight she looked stunning. Her black jeans were slung low on her hips, a silky white tank top with gold accents complimented her figure, and the heels she was wearing brought her small frame almost up to my height. Her silky brown hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail with bits framing her face. Her gray eyes glistened in the flashing lights and I got lost staring into them for a moment before my eyes flicked down to her lips. A dark shade of red, almost the color of wine, they were beckoning me.

No. She was supposed to be like my little sister. The girl on the other end of skype in nerdy tees and glasses yelling at Mark for being a pussy in G-Mod. I felt wrong thinking about her like that, like I was being disrespectful. Then I noticed her eyes glance at my lips as well, I felt her arms wrap around my neck and pull me even closer. We were flush against each other now, she laid her head on my chest.

The music played on and I looked around the room. I saw our friends staring. Mark was always going on about what a cute couple we would be and we were frequently telling him to shut up. He looked real proud of himself, standing in the corner pointing at us and whispering to Bob and Wade. The girls all looked awed and everyone else seemed to be smiling knowingly. I wished I could yell that we are just friends, make them all see, but I didn't want to let go. I could feel a bit of her skin as her shirt rode up under my hand and it was electric. My head was spinning, that girl in my arms was not mine, would never be mine. As soon as the music changes she will brake apart from me and she will go back to being the silly Frankie I am used to.

The music did not change. She finally lifted her head and looked into my eyes. Her hands came down around my neck and slid up to rest on my cheeks. Suddenly she was pulling me towards her, subtly, letting me know what she wanted and I obliged. Our lips came together and I felt a warmth and passion I hadn't expected. I felt her smile against my lips as we pulled apart and she rested her forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry Jack. I guess I got swept up in the moment or..." She trailed off looking away. I could feel her hands sliding down the front of my chest and I knew she was going to try and run off. I pulled her closer to me.

"Don't be sorry, you just shouldn't kiss me like that." I felt stupid the minute the words slipped from my mouth.

"I know it was dumb." She looked down and tried to pull away again.

"No I mean you shouldn't kiss me like that unless, you know. Unless you mean it." I waited for her reaction. I felt butterflies in my stomach. What if she had just gotten caught up in the moment? I don't know if I could go back to just friends after that kiss.

"I'll make it easy on you. If you do mean it like that, then kiss me again." I let my hands fall loose to rest on her hips giving her the option to run. I didn't want her to feel trapped, this was scary for me too. I totally understood what she was dealing with.

The next thing I knew lips were crashing onto mine and pure bliss was coursing through my veins. She pulled away again and I was disappointed at how quick that kiss seemed.

"Stay here Jack, please." She almost whimpered.

"I'm not going anywhere Francesca Grey Connell. Whether you like it or not."


Not gonna lie I put Frankie together for just this short but I kinda love her as a character. What do you think?!  

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