Who Are You When I'm Not Looking (HP)

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A short Harry Potter fic staring on one of my OTPs Tonks and Lupin! The song features is Who Are You When I'm Not Looking by Blake Shelton.  Enjoy!


My, oh, my, you're so good looking

Hold yourself together like a pair of bookends

But I've not tasted all you're cooking

Who are you when I'm not looking?

The flat was dark, only the street lights from outside the window and the blinking clock on the TV lit the room. Keys jingled in the door and on the other side a muffled curse could be heard as the keys fell. This was then followed by a loud thud against the door, another loud curse, and then a door opening on the other side of the hall.

"Nymphadora! Keep that foul language to yourself!" This voice then faded away still murmuring something about hideous hair and a retched girl.

"Sorry, I hit my head." The door finally opened as the young girl behind it added under her breath, "You batty old hag." The girl entered the room completely. She was a small girl with bright pink, short hair and a pretty face. She wore a long dark jacket, knee length black cargo pants, and a tight fitted tee shirt. She had on plenty of jewelry showing her eclectic taste, and well-worn combat boots. She was clearly very tired and had to prop herself up against the door jam to kick off her boots revealing a pair of socks, both striped, but clearly mismatched. She hung her long maroon colored jacket on a chair and headed into the apartment flipping on lights as she went. As light filled the room posters for bands like THE WEIRD SISTERS were visible on the walls and there was a small worn couch in the middle of the room, a coffee table with some candles and books piled on top sat in front of it. She made her way through the room, turning on a stereo and she entered the hallway.

Do you pour a little something on the rocks?

Slide down the hallway in your socks

Tonks, as she insisted on being called, slid into the kitchen playing air guitar, and singing along to the music playing. She then danced around the kitchen reaching in cabinets, pulling out a glass and a bottle of Firewhisky. She continued to dance around the kitchen only stopping for a moment to admire a picture stuck to her fridge. It was a picture of her, her cousin Sirius, and his best school friend Remus Lupin. She smiled widely at the people in the picture, thinking about the day it was taken. The day she first joined the order. She pulled the picture off the fridge as the her and Sirius in the picture play-punched each other in the arms, laughing as Remus looked on smiling. She then headed to her bedroom.

When you undress, do you leave a path?

Then sink to your nose in a bubble bath

Another late night, Tonks entered her flat, but this time someone was behind her, guiding her. She had bandages on her arms and a wrap on her ankle, and she only wore one boot. The man behind her was carrying the other boot. Remus Lupin followed close with a worried look on his face. Suddenly a look of disgust covered Tonks' face as she looked at her ruddy, and messy apartment. She turned to push him out of the room but tripped by stepping on her own shoelace. Lupin caught her carefully.

"Now, now, Nyphadora. You need to rest." He said with a worried smile.

"No! My apartment is a mess! I swear I'm not as filthy as it seems. And stop calling me that!" She replied, as he lead her to the couch.

He laughed again, "Oh I am sorry, Tonks. But really it is rather charming. If you are really that embarrassed I'll head out. But you have to promise me you will get some rest."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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