Chapter 5

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Mira's POV
I miss Lucy. Her and Lisanna have so much in common. It has been a very long time since Lisanna has returned and Lucy has died. She was one of my best friends ever. Erza and I cry over her everyday. But, all of the boys and some girls think Lucy was a replacement for Lisanna.

"Mira," Lisanna whispers. "So, you talk a lot about Lucy." I nod. "Who is Lucy and what fully happened?" I sighed. Who knows what happened to Lucy? Only Natsu, Gray, and Erza knows.

"Ask Erza, Gray, or Natsu." I say sadly. Yeah, Lucy was weak, but she was my friend. She was more than a friend. She was my best friend in the entire world.

"Mira, are you okay?" Freed asks me. I nod, staring at the ground. No one has ever been the same. Not even Natsu. It seems as if that messed him up the most. To my surprise, all of the boys seem happy.

"LUCY IS GONE!" Natsu celebrated. "She's gone for good!" All of the boys(even Elfman) were celebrating to that.

"YAH!" Gray cheered. "This is the best news ever." I could not share my own sadness. Lucy was my friend and a good guild mate when no one was around. We always talked to each other and I always thought of her as my sister.

"SHUT UP!" I yell, surprising myself with my own words. "Lucy was nothing to you?" I felt myself almost sob and then Attack each and every last one of them.

"She was worthless," Erza said. "They are right." Levy, Juvia, Lisanna, Wendy, and I are like the only people who actually miss Lucy. "Mira, what did you ever know? Your just a dummy!" I felt hurt, but I knew that the Satan Soul would probably do for now.

"Satan Soul," I say, transforming into it. I know who is on my team. "Lisanna, Juvia, Wendy, Levy, stand back!" I yell at them, turning towards Erza. "You talk about Lucy again and your dead!"

Erza just laughed. "Wouldn't want to hurt Elfman, would you?" She asks meanly. I stare at her as if she just asked me to die and come back to life as a demon.


I calmed down and stared at the ground. How could someone be that mean? That's considered heartless and cruel. I stared at Elfman and then all of my friends. "I will Attack," I scowled. "This is not personal, but I protect my friends and family!"

I attacked all of them, but it barely had an effect. At that moment, my energy level sank and dropped. "Y-you w-ill-ll n-ot-t get away with this!" I said angrily. "Lucy used to be all of our friends and now you are a disgrace to the guild!"

I hurried to the bathroom and let the tears come down. "Mira?" Lisanna asks. "Are you okay?" I don't answer. What's the point anyways? Lucy was a friend and now she's gone. Gone.

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