Chapter 13

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Questions and answers. It was Darkon. He smiled at me, a worried expression shown on his race. "Are you okay?" He asks me. I nod, as if my nightmares have come true. There will always be a good side to me.

"Um, sure." I say sarcastically. He nods, smiling at me. "Of course I'm okay." The tears start to roll down my cheeks. "It's not like there will be other tough guilds to go against and this is so hard on me because either way I'm considered a loser."

"Lucy, what's wrong?"

"Gray said I could not do it," I said. Just then, Darkon frowned. "I don't know why I am still believing fairy tail idiots, but I am." Darkon sighed, giving me a small peck on my check.

"Lucy," he said. "You can do it." I smiled. "Let me tell you a little secret." I nod. "Gildarts is the strongest one in that guild and you completely destroyed him."

"What was I so worried about?"

He smiles, staring at me with loving eyes. He bows down on one knee and asks, "do you want to marry me?" At that moment, I felt my checks fluster in embarrassment. He holds out a perfect ring. The sides were real gold and the middle was one, beautiful crystal that truly was gorgeous.

At that moment, I am too speechless to even say anything. All I can do is nod or shake my head no. "So?" He asks. I stare at him for a few seconds and then stare at the ring. Just then, I got a call. Shoot. I was about to say "yes" to him.

"I'm sorry, but I need to take this," I say. He looks like he was going to cry, but he did not. He gave me a slight nod. "Hello?"

"Lucy," said the person who was talking though the cell phone. It was Mirajane. "So, are we starting the guild because the dark guild thing is in two weeks?"

"Yes, yes we are." I say sadly. "MIRA, I WAS ON A DATE!" I could hear her sighing in the cell phone.

"Um, sorry." She says. "I will call back tomorrow." I hear a small rustling noise from behind and realize that Darkon is gone. At that moment, sadness overcame me. I saw a letter and it read:

Dear Lucy,
I'm sorry, but I decided to go home to figure out what we would name the guild. I am breaking up with you and it is for good. You were just a student and nothing to me. I'm sorry it had to turn out this way.

Your ex-boyfriend,

I could not stop the tears. "Why?" I ask. "Why does this seem to always happen to me?" Just then, someone taps me on the shoulder. Who could it be this time? For, it was no other than Darkon.

"Just kidding," he said. At that moment, I punched him in the face. "Okay, I had that one coming." I sighed. "Let's figure out the name....."

"Together," we said together. He smiled, giving me a small peck on the check. I felt angry and relieved all at the same time.

"How about this: we will write down the names for this guild, okay?" I ask. All he can do is nod in agreement. I stare down at my blank piece of paper and sigh. What should I put on there anyways?

I started to think. There are some names that do sound good, but they are taken. I could mix some up a little bit. No I yell inside of my head. This is not good.

Is everything okay?

Um, yeah I say. I look down at his paper and see all of the names on his. It has: Death Effect, Darkest Death, and more like Hell of Darkness. That last one does not sound like my favorite one.

I started to write:

•Burn 'em
•Guild of destruction
•Growth of Darkness
•Evil Doers
•Midnight Shadow

He looked at mine and then smiled. "Midnight shadow," he said. "I like it." I raised my eyebrows. That was what I thought of because it was basically midnight and there was tons of shadows all around.

"Well, thank you."

When we got back to the palace, Jellal and Mira were waiting impatiently. "What took you so long?" Mira asked. "Do you love each other?" I blushed in a heavy shade of red.

"Did you come up with a name for the guild?" Jellal asks. We nod at the same time. "What is it?"

"Midnight Shadow," he says. Mira smiles happily, staring at us. "We are going to be creating a dark guild and fighting in the games."

"Follow me, Lucy." Mira says. "Have a great night Jellal and Darkon." I follow Mira to my bedroom and into it.


"Shush," she murmurs. I do what I am told to do. Just then, all of the girls jump out. There is Levy, Wendy, Carla, Juvia, and Lisanna in that bedroom.

"Happy birthday," all of them say together. I smiled, remembering that it is my birthday. Just then, Gajeel and the rest of the boys come walking in.

"Babe!" I say, hugging Darkon. He was there and smiling happily. He gave me a present. It was small, but totally worth it.

"This is a little something I went on a long mission for," he says. "Just kidding, I only spent a few of the longest hours of my lifetime waiting for it."

I opened my present and it was a golden, gate key. The key read: DARA. I stared at it for a little bit and then smiled. Dara. She must be the celestial spirit of darkness. A smile crossed my face as all of them started to party. Levy came up to me and gave me a book on dark arts. Gajeel gave me some black armor to wear during the games. Lisanna and Mira gave me another gate key that read: Henlia, the celestial spirit of the forest. One by one all of them gave me something special.

"Thank you all," I said. Darkon stopped the party and motioned for me to walk towards him. "Um, yes?"

He got on one knee. "Will you marry me?" He asks. My eyes grow big. This has been my dream for a very long time. At that moment, I was speechless. In fact, too speechless to even move.

The ring was golden with a crystal in the middle. All I could do was stare at it in surprise. "Um..." I say, struggling to get some words. His eyes were full of hope and in love. I always loved him. It is like I totally know him by now.

"Say something!" Mira groaned. All I could do was stare at it in amazement. My heart started to beat faster and then faster. I could always divorce him later if I don't like him. But, there is sincerely no hate in him at all.

"Um, yes." I said, accepting the ring. "Sorry it took so long, but Gray appeared and I had to beat him to shreds." Darkon nodded, hugging me tightly. His lips brushed against mine as I felt totally hypnotized by him. "When is our engagement?"

"In three months," he said. I nodded casually, knowing that will be the good amount of time to prepare. "We need to start Midnight Shadow." They get out, as I nod, getting ready for bed and falling fast asleep. I got two brand new keys: Dara and Henlia. Henlia is the guardian of the forest and Dara is the powerful celestial spirit of darkness. And with that, the exhaustion of the night consumed me.

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