Chapter 1 - Fire in the hole!

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“’Sup, Fire,” Glyder said, passing by Joolzanfire while carrying a block of endstone.

“’Sup,” Fire replied. He had been working hard to rebuild the enderdragon’s towers, and so had all the endermen. Meanwhile, the enderdragon himself was just flying around, shouting at everyone to hurry up. Fire’s unique ability to pick up lots of blocks at the same time sped the work up considerably, but not enough.

It had been about a year since Fire had spawned. He loved being with the endermen, and especially loved being able to fly. He had all the abilities of an enderman, along with flight, and a few other new abilities too. Being able to destroy things was one of them. They had had fun, punching one of the enderdragon’s towers to pieces. However, the enderdragon had not been impressed – and that was how they had ended up in this situation.

“But senor dragon, we don’t have enough obsidian…” Pico complained, fanning himself with his sombrero. The dragon sighed.

“Fine. We have to fix this somehow, though,” the dragon muttered. Then his eyes lit up. “Oh yes! The End portal!”

“End portal?” the endermen chorused.

“Yes! The End portal!” the dragon cried.

“To the End portal we must go!” Scafell yelled, raising his tea.

“Oui! Ze End portal!” Blanc shouted, adjusting his beret.

“And vat an End portal it is!” Spitze whooped.

“Shut up,” the dragon said, and swooped down low. Once claw hit an enderman in the face, and scooped his eye clean out. He stood there, silent for a few seconds. Then…

“AAAAAAAARGH! THE PAIN, THE HORROR!” he screamed, clutching his eye. “IT BURNS, OH, IT BUUUUUUUURNS!” An enderman rushed to his side, and the injured enderman fell into his arms, breathing heavily.

“No! Kinley! Don’t leave!” the enderman wept, holding his friend tight.

“Jaro… I’ve always wanted to tell you something…” Kinley whispered tenderly.

“What is it, Kinley?” Jaro whispered back. “Tell me…”

“That I’ve always thought you… stank of cheese…” Kinley whispered, and went limp.

“That is the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me,” Jaro whispered, wiping a single tear from his eye. He lay Kinley down on the ground slowly.

“Nah, just kidding!” Kinley yelled, and sprang to his feet. “It’d take more than a lost eye to kill me! I’m made of tougher stuff!”

Suddenly, there was a horrible, screeching sound. When Jaro looked in his arms, he saw Kinley shaking there like a terrified baby. “So much for tougher stuff,” Jaro grinned.

“Even after all these years… it works!” the enderdragon bellowed triumphantly. “Now, what was that sound…”

“V-vat is that?” Spitze cried, pointing a shaking hand at a strange creature running across the endstone. The endermen watched in horrified fascination as it ran around aimlessly, then headed straight for Fire.

“Be careful, old chap!” Scafell warned, but the creature was already rubbing itself against Fire’s legs, making a strange growly sound. He hesitantly poked at it with a claw. It felt soft against Fire’s rough skin, and he smiled.

“It’s friendly,” he said, and the endermen let out a huge sigh of relief. However, the enderdragon looked concerned.

“We have to return it to the overworld,” he said. “Glyder, will you take it with you?”

“Aye aye, cap’n,” Glyder agreed, but there were already moans of protest emitting from the disgruntled endermen.

“Why does senor Glyder get to go but not me?” Pico said.

“Oh, ze shame!” Blanc cried dramatically, raising a hand to his forehead.

“You don’t know anything about the overworld. Glyder is my oldest friend, and the one I trust most,” the enderdragon said seriously. “Now, let’s get that thing back to whence it came!”

Glyder pulled at the thing. It clung onto Fire’s leg and didn’t budge. He pulled harder, yet it still didn’t move. The enderdragon helped him, and it finally flew into a small mound of endstone… with Fire as well, looking quite dazed, still having the strange creature attached to his leg.

“It’s not gonna move,” Glyder sighed, and the enderdragon nodded gravely.

“There’s only one thing for it. Fire, you’ll have to go through the portal and fetch the obsidian,” the enderdragon said.

“Really?” Fire gasped, and the enderdragon nodded.

“The portal’s just over there,” the enderdragon said. “Now, the first thing you need to know about the overworld is–”

“FOR NAAAAARNIAAAAAAAAA!” Fire screamed, and leaped into the portal, the confused creature clinging onto him for dear life.

If anyone knows what links all these endermen's names, you'll get a prize...

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