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♦This chapter is unedited, so if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry. Feel free to correct me in the comments below.♦


I woke up with a start. I didn't know what time it was but I'm pretty sure it was late. I fumbled to find my phone and check the time. It was 6:15. Not all that late. I quickly went to the washroom to fix up and then headed down for something to eat since I was starving.

Martha happened to be there so she offered to cook something but I refused. Grabbing a pack of Doritos, I asked her to help me find an old sheet that I could take outside.

I quickly pulled out the books I had to finish homework in and on a second thought got my laptop as well. Then trading my socks for a thicker pair I went down where Martha had kept the sheet ready along with a box of sandwiches.

Thanking her, I walked out the back gate towards the beach. I know, not the best time for a beach but I like water. Its pretty calming and helps me forget all the other things that I need to worry about.

I spread out the sheet, took out a sandwich and started working out the trig problems. I didn't know how long I sat there doing maths. After I started feeling stiff, I stretched and decided to walk a bit before I got back to work.

The sun was down but the sky was still pretty blue. As soon as I got up a short scream escaped my lips. There sitting on the rocks by the sea was a man looking at me. After staring for a while I realized it was Nathaniel. He sure is a creep.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well since this is a public place I can be anywhere I want to, right?"
"Yes you can, but that doesn't give you the right to sit and stare at people."
"Who said I was staring? My standards haven't gone so low that I stare at the ' janitor's daughter. ' " he said drawing quotation marks in the air.

I don't know why, but when he said it, it hurt. He was the only one who was close to friendly to me. I thought he didn't look down on me because of my clothes, thought he knew where I live, thought he knew I'm not poor, thought he doesn't judge. I was wrong. And now, I felt only hatred towards him.

Walking to him I asked in the rudest tone possible " What on earth do you need? If you're going to say nothing get up and walk away 'cuz no way am I in a mood to deal with another jerk."

He stared at me with a I couldn't care less look but then his face turned serious. "I told you to not join Adelyn academy. How hard would it be to listen" he said. "I have no reasons to listen to a rude self obsessed rich brat. " I replied now getting irritated by his attitude.

He said "you'll find out why you should have listened soon enough."
"Are you threatening me?" I said resisting the urge to top it with sticking out my tongue.
He shook his head and walked away without saying anything.

"Ugh" I sighed in frustration. This guy drove me crazy and I wanted to punch him so bad. My peaceful and calm mood was long gone so I went and collected my things to head back home. All the way I was fuming and muttering under my breath.

I stormed into the house, dumped my things on the table and was stomping up the staircase when I heard laughter from the living room. Curious, I decided to peep in.

"Shine dear, come in here please" Dad said. Oops. Busted. I slowly walked in observing the situation. A man and a lady were sat on the sofa opposite to my dad and mom.

"Hello" I greeted them with a smile then gave a questioning look to my dad. "This is my business partner - my old friend and his wife." He introduced. I gave them a fake smile, the one we give random elders we don't know. "She has grown so much! I saw her years ago" He said. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I don't get why people say that. Like if you saw me so long ago why do you expect me to look the same?!

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