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Hey guys! new chapter! It's unedited so if you find any mistakes please leave a comment asking me to correct it. It would help me make the book better. Thank you. <3

Without further ado, Read on!


It was more likely to wake up to an alien invasion than a bouquet of roses and a card at this point of time in my life, so when mom came squealing into my room with roses that she claimed were for me, I told her to stop fooling around and pulled the duvet over my head.

It was a working day and I was in no mood to wake up half an hour earlier than I planned to, especially when I had stayed up late, finishing my trigonometry homework. Mom apparently seemed to think otherwise.

She pulled off the covers singing "Wake up my little ray of sunshine!"

Like really mom? You used to say that when I was six!

I groaned and tried to pull myself up with little effort and barely managed to rest my back against the headboard before mom thrust the card into my hand. I pulled it out of the baby pink envelope.

It was a white sheet of paper folded neatly and only had a few words written on it. Though those few words were going to leave me confused and irritated for the rest of the day.

Dear Shine,
It would be an honor to have you as my date for the fall dance. Would you like to go with me?

Ian Cooper.

I was 0.3 seconds close to tearing the paper to bits. What does he think? He can be a rude prick to me all the time, push me, shove me and pass comments like the rest and then swoop in like a knight in shining armor and ask me to the dance?

No Mr. Cooper things DID NOT work this way.

And then, for the sake of my sanity I decided all this was just a big hoax. A prank to make a fool out of me. To mock me publicly. I was well acquainted with the ways of these people to make life humiliating every minute possible. Its like they had no better job.

So I did the only sensible thing. I crumpled the paper in my hand making it into a ball and threw it towards the dustbin. Once I heard the light thud of it falling in, I pumped my fist in success.

And got a smack on my head from mom.

"Mom! What was that for?" I exclaimed.

"You did not just throw that into the bin. Someone probably worked up a lot of courage to do that. Appreciate their work!" And the after a pause added  "Unless of course, you already have a partner for the dance and forgot to tell me Miss. Vinson?" She looked at me with narrow eyes.

"No, no no no no. I am not going. Period. That's it, now let me sleep please!"

"This conversation is not over young lady!" Mom said as she placed the bouquet on my nightstand and walked out of the room to get the ringing phone.

I tried to get back to sleep but it was pointless. I stepped out of bed eventually giving up and slipped on my warm slippers. I picked up the pink roses and took in their smell.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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