Chapter 7

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"Hey Athry, you've been jumpy lately."

Athry looked up from the camera at her assistant.

"Am I?" She smiled weakly.

"Just a bit." Joe commented, putting the lunch she bought on Athry's table. "You seem to be distracted too. Anything I can do to help?"

Athry shook her head. "It's nothing."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's just a bit of stress. I'll be fine."

Joe shrugged. "If you say so. Don't skip lunch okay? I brought your favorite."

"Thanks Joe."

"Call me if you need anything." Joe said, leaving Athry to herself.

It's been over a week since she had smelled the demon in Azail's room and over a week since she had decent sleep. She had been vigilant ever since. Since that night she had brought Az to work to keep an eye on her and the kid hasn't been too happy about being stranded with her at work. She glanced to her left were Az is slouched over the couch, sulking next to the models, playing her video games silently.

The brat wanted to go out and play with her friends. As much as she wanted to give Az her liberty, she could not, not without putting her life in danger. Right now, the seal on her hasn't lost its power but since it's almost the 15th year of its effectiveness its getting weaker. It always does around this time.

All those years of hiding has finally taken their toll. She knew this would happen. She might not be as strong as she was before but she would still use the last of her powers to keep Az hidden.

Azail snickered as she went passed the guard on the building where Athry worked. She never really thought of sneaking out but she did not have a choice since Athry has been very strict. She had not snuck out before. Well, there's always room for a first time. She never needed to before anyway. True everyone was keeping watch what she is doing all the time but it wasn't as strict as now.

Athry has been driving her nuts with all the "stay here", "where are you going", "make sure someone's with you" questions every now and then. She's not even allowed to go to the bathroom alone anymore. Athry's been acting really strange lately. She suddenly wanted to bring her to work and "help out" a bit. It didn't make sense since Athry had a gazillion assistants. She liked being at the studio with her but she's not a fan of getting being watched like an inmate.

It was normal that she kept tabs on her but recently things got stricter than usual. Which isn't typical of Athry.


"Azzy! Where you been at? The Simi was looking all over for you!" Simi squealed as she entered Sanctuary. Simi practically jumped off her seat and bounced her way to her.

"Hey Simi!" Azail smiled.

Simi wrapped her arms around Az and inhaled. "The Simi misses this smell. Hmmm~ Barbecue." She said, smacking her lips.

"What does that even mean?" Azail laughed.

Every non human staff who knew Simi turned and stared in alarm. Aimee who was the nearest, went out from behind the counter and subtly separated the two.

"Why don't we get you two something to eat?" Aimee said, guiding the two to a booth.

"Can we have barbeque, Aimee? Simi seems to be wanting some." Az asked as they took a seat.

"Oh goodies! The Simi can try the new barbecue sauce!" Simi chirped. She opened her coffin bag and took her bottle of barbeque sauce out.

Azail chuckled as Simi placed her sauce in front of the table. "Wow, I never knew anyone carrying their own barbecue sauce." She commented.

The Lost  ChthonianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang