C14| Mio amore

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"Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!" -Macbeth (5.1).

I am so, so sorry that this update took a while longer than usual! I've been so, so busy with University for the last few weeks, but thank you guys for sticking with me all the same! I hope you enjoy, and hopefully you're able to link the quote above to the chapter ;)

OH! Quick question! ---> Do you guys like the change of cover?

Don't forget to vote, comment and fan, my darlings!

Dedicated to @eclipse62

❉ s a r a h ❉

P.S. I hope you guys have google translate handy ;) If not, I hope there's a lovely commenter out there who does haha



"Damien!" I cried out as loudly as I could, the ground already a blur beneath me as I sprinted towards the wolf and his prey. As soon as his name left my lips, everyone but Damien and Jason froze and hesitantly turned toward me with eyes filled with horror.

Without hesitating, I sprinted past them and ran beside Jason, crouching down before holding a hand out to stop Damien from using Jason as a chew-toy. I tilted my gaze down to the ground, fear gripping my heart when I found myself unable to look into his menacing, black eyes.

I heard another ferocious growl rumble from the wolf and a second later I felt something wet gently sniff my palm. I remained completely still, ignoring the urgent whispers of the others telling me to back away. Before I could look up, someone grabbed the back of my dress and dragged me backwards away from my mate.

When I was a few feet away, I scowled, glaring at Cynthius's back when he moved to block me from Damien's view.

"You can't be near her when you're like this," Cynthius firmly stated, his posture rigid as he calmly faced the wolf snarling before him. "Calm your wolf so you can shift and then go change into clothes in the van," he ordered, his tone far more serious than I'd ever heard it before.

Once I'd slowly stood from the ground, I peered around Cynthius so I could look at Damien and I found myself gasping for breath and turning my gaze to the ground when I saw he was now human and completely naked. I heard Cynthius step forward and I had no doubt in my mind it was to stop Damien from approaching me.

He may have been in his human form again, but, from the sound of it, he didn't completely have control.

Less than half a minute after I heard the van door slide open, my vision darkened slightly with the shadow of the muscular man looming over me. With caution, I slowly tilted my head up so I could meet his gaze and when I did, my chest tightened at the desperation I saw in his expression.

With immense hesitation flickering in his familiar, blue orbs, Damien reached out to cup my my cheek with one hand. However, before he could touch me, he paused and reluctantly let it drop limply to his side. The moment it did, I stepped forward and tenderly engulfed his hand with both of mine, gently guiding his calloused palm to my cheek.

"I'm okay, Damien," I softly promised him, staring directly into his glassy, swollen eyes as sparks ignited along my skin with his touch. I then guided his hand to my chest, pressing his palm against where I knew he'd feel the rapid beat of my heart.

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