Chapter 1

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I could hear my dad humming from the kitchen. I open my eyes a bit, and roll out of bed. I head to the bathroom and take a l-o-n-g shower, I only stop becuse I smell bacon. Ugh, today's the first day of my sophomore year at my new school. My stomach's tied in knots but I feel a light fluttering too! I'm nervous  but happy that I have no reputation to live up too, and that I can be whoever I want. It's been a good morning so far, I mean I've only been up for 45 minutes but still... When I finally emerge from the shower with my makeup on and my hair straightened my dad has everything laid out from my breakfast to my school bag to my clothes- yes, my dad chose my clothes. But it's okay, after mom passed away he realized he was gay. And the only gay stereotype he allows himself is a fabulous fashion sense.

"Morning, honey."

"Hey Dad, where's the coffee?"

"The coffee maker hasn't been unloaded yet."

When I heard those words, I was out of there. I can't get through the day without coffee, it's got to be an addiction. So I ran to my room and threw on the clothes Dad had laid out and sprinted to the corner shop. I was seriously hoping Walgreens sold coffee, or I'd be out of luck. I paused for a second to look at my reflection in the window of the store. I had to admit, I looked pretty good. The blonde fringe that covered half of my green eyes was pinned back with a grey bow, and the red, white, and grey plaid shirt was bit tight and flattered my petite figure. The plain blue skinnies and yellow van's topped off the look. I was still inspecting myself when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was a little girl, she asked if I could spare some change for her girl-scout troupe. Now usually I would kindly reject this offer, but there was something about this little girl that grabbed my attention. I could've sworn I'd seen her before. Well, I reached for my pocket and handed her a dollar. She thanked me and skipped away.  I entered the walgreens and bought a tall caremel mocha. I sipped it on the way to the bus stop. There were two other person at the bus stop, a boy and a girl. The boy was very tall and had curly brown hair, I didn't get a good look at his face because he was busy making out with the red headed chick. When the bus pulled up and they finally pulled away from eachother I got a better look at both of them and decided it would be safe to introduce myself.

"Hey, I'm Lexi. I'm new."

"Hi, I'm Jake and this is my girlfriend Terra. Nice to meet you!"

I grinned, the people here were friendly. I walked onto the bus with them and continued the small talk. We were the last stop and the bus was nearly full. I took a seat across the isle from Jake and Terra. The guy next to me looked kind of sketchy but I introduced myself anyway.

"Uh hi, I'm Lexi."

"I'm Rock."

"Oh.. nice to meet you."


"I like your umm.. gloves?"

Our awkward conversation continued throughout the 10 minute ride to our school and I could see Terra and Jake snickering at us. Rock looked like a punk wannabe. His hair covered the majority of his face, he wore fingerless gloves, countless wristbands to cover his scarred arms, he smelled of ciggerette smoke, and wore dark colors everywhere. I decided to steer clear of him after today. I walked into school with Terra and she helped me find my homeroom, we were in the same class. I found out she and Jake had been together for 4 months and that she moved here from Kentucky just over a year ago. She promised to sit with me at lunch until I got into the groove of things. I looked around and saw the highschool was huge! It could've passed for a university. The marble floors were spotless and the lockers had built-in-lights. Everything was neat and expensive looking. My homeroom teacher sent me to office to get my schedule with another new student. He was sooo cute. He introduced himself with a charming english accent, his name was Jayden. We chatted on the way to the office and bonded quickly. He had moved here from the UK because his parents died in a car accident, he was living with his uncle and aunt. I told him my story, and we both just hugged it out for a minute. It was hard for me to beleive that someone else knew how I was feeling. But he understood. I had only known him for about 20 minutes but I was starting to beleive that I was falling for Jayden.

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