Chapter 3

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Cut back to Equestria and the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her new student Starlight Glimmer.

At this point Twilight is having a nice conversation with Starlight about how different friends can be and how even if somepony may be similar they can have their difference or bring different things to a friendship.

"So. What do you mean by that?" Asks her new student.

"Well for example. I have friends in another place similar but still a little different."

She continues by explaining about the mirror and how it is a portal to a different world. And goes into explaining how in this world there are "humans" that are almost the same as them and how they are her friends.

Starlight wanting to know as much about friendship and magic continues to ask questions.

"So you're telling me by using this mirror we can travel to an alternative world and we change when we get there?"

"More or less." She answers her student's question.

Almost as if on cue the book at the top begins to glow due to a message sent from Sunset to her friend in Equestria.

"Dear Twilight, how have you been? Things here are getting busy. We all miss you here. Hope things are good over in Equestria. I have been thinking a lot lately and not sure what to do. If any chance would love to talk to you and get your input on things. Hope to hear back from you soon. Your friend Sunset Shimmer."

After reading the message Twilight has an idea. "So you are interested in the other world?" She asks Starlight.

With a worried look Starlight takes a big gulp and responds. "Yes?"

Twilight called in her trusty assistant "SPIKE!"

In rushes the Purple dragon. "Yes Twilight?"

"Spike, I need you to get a few things together for a trip."

"No problem. Where are we going?"

"We are taking a trip to CHS"

No sooner does she finish Spike rushes off and returns in no time with all the items Twilight was about to ask for, almost like he knew her that well.

"Ready when you are." Said the plucky eager assistant.

"LOL" Twilight laughed at how excited her little friend was about going to the other world.

Just at that moment the remaining 5 friends Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy come in the room

"Now, sugar cube. Are you planning to take a trip and not even say see ya when ya'll get back?" Asked Applejack

Kind of shocked by her friend's sudden appearance.

"Sorry everypony. I was excited to hear from my friends back at CHS I didn't think."

"That's all right Twilight. I almost never think when I get excited." Shouted Pinkie Pie with excitement.

"We all know how much you care for them darling, but is it really safe to go back? Remember the whole maintaining balance Celestia warned us all about?" Came from Rarity.

Out comes Rainbow Dash. "I'm sure it will be fine. She has seen them several times now and nothing has happened."

"Rarity does have a point Rainbow. We don't know if there is a limit or danger of going so often." Comes the quiet Fluttershy.

"Oh. But they will be soooooooooo HAPPY to see friends." Pinkie Pie said as energetic as ever.

"It will be fine. I just want to go and talk to Sunset face to face. She is my friend as well and it sounds like she needs some advice. I feel like she could use somepony to talk too."

"Just be careful Hun." Rarity said with concern.

"I will, thanks everypony."

Twilight turns to enter the portal and looks back at Starlight. "You coming?"

Starlight with a confused look "Me?"

"Yes you. I think this will be a good lesson on how different friends truly can be and meet some new friends too."

So the three of them Twilight, Spike and Starlight enter the portal and head back to CHS to be reunited with their dear friends in the other world.

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