Chapter 11

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As the gang is standing in front of the human Sunset stunned. No one knows what to say just yet. "Oh yes. This is Sunset Shimmer. She is one of the student helpers around here." Silver stated.

Before anyone else could react Fluttershy spoke up. "So do you know what is wrong with the animals? Why are they acting so strange?" She began to strike up a conversation with the human Sunset that seamed completely normal so her other friends had a moment to recollect themselves.

"The resemblance is uncanny." Stated Twilight just quiet enough so only the group heard her. The only difference being the way she wears her hair. "She seems nice." Confused on how to react at this turn of events.

"What do I do?" Inquired Sunset. She was at a loss. Not in her wildest thoughts did she think she would run in to her Human counterpart as it had not happened yet. "Do we tell her the truth? Do we come up with a different name? I don't know?"

"For now dear, I think it would be best to keep our secret. We don't want to startle her with everything." Rarity said with a calm voice.

"True Hun. Last thing we need is to have to try and explain everything. After all if I didn't know about it myself not sure I'd believe it." Apple Jack continued making even more sense and agreeing with what Rarity had stated.

"So if that's the case I vote for Sunset Sparkle." Pinkie spoke up. They all looked at her confused for just a moment and then realized she was trying to help come up with a temporary name. They thought and agreed that this would be a simple name and not difficult to remember because they already have two Sparkles with Twilight and "Midnight".

"Ok for now you can call me Sunset Sparkle. You are right it probably is for the best." Sunset said thinking about the confusion it would cause everyone involved.

Just as they are about to get back into the conversation a loud crash of thunder strikes a nearby apple tree. Everyone rushed out to see what had happened, but instead of the tree being burnt like they all expected. They all stood in amazement as the Apples had now taken on a rainbow color instead of the normal red tone. Both Twilight and Sunset said at the same time. "Zap Apples?"

"Zap Apples? I ain't never heard of such a thing." Applejack stated with a confused look. Everyone else had the same look. All but Twilight and Sunset who had seen them before back in Equestria.

"They are from our home. They should not exist here." Sunset said this with absolute certainty. "How can this....." At that moment she is interrupted by another lighting strike. This time a tree nearby had changed to a Tree from the Everfree Forest. All twisted and spiky.

"This can't be happening." Twilight came out confused. "First weird storms now we have two different trees from Equestria? What is going on?

"Equestria? Where is that?" Silver asked. Twilight had not thought about it and figured it was time to come clean about the truth. Twilight went on to try and explain it, just hoping she wouldn't sound entirely crazy to these two.

"Huh." Was all Silver said and the Human Sunset said nothing at all. "Oh great. I think you broke them Twilight." Pinkie said looking at the bewildered look on both of their faces.

"No Pinkie. She didn't brake us." Silver after a minute responded to the comment. "Truth be told if I hadn't seen what I just saw I would think you girls where all a little off. But, I can't argue with what I have seen with my own eyes. As for Sunset here, she is more than likely a little confused. You are telling us that there are Two Sunsets in our world. So how can that be?" Silver continued on. "That should not be possible. How can two of the same beings exist in the same spot at the same point in time? Yet I see it right here with two Twilights and two Sunsets."

"Try not to think too much into it right now." Starlight spoke up. "Right now I think we have other things we need to think about." She was right of course. As she finished her statement everyone looked around to see more and more of the campus was changing and the strikes where becoming more frequent.

"This is nuts!" Finally the human Sunset spoke up. "Your telling me there is a world filled with Ponies and magic. YOU'RE SOME KIND OF PRINCESS? How is this possible?"

Her hysteria did not really catch any of them off guard. After all this was a lot to take in for anyone. "Please calm down Sunset." Silver was trying to help regain some composure. "We need to stay calm and try and figure......" Before he had a chance to finish a huge bolt came down and struck Twilight Sparkle. "Twilight! "Everyone screamed the light was blinding and no one could see what had happened inside the flash. The flash subsided and standing in front of everyone was Twilight relatively unscratched but now in her Pony/Human form.

"Well any doubts I had are gone now." Silver said as strait-faced as he could but he was stunned other than that.

"Well this is new?" Twilight said with a bit of surprise in her voice. She referring to the Lightning transformation. Everyone stood stunned. None of them knew what was happening and this left them even more surprised than anything. That was until they noticed the purple dragon on two legs standing behind her. The bolt hit her and Spike and this was an entirely new thing. Spike had reverted back to his Equestria Form. "I think we may have a problem." Twilight said as soon as she noticed the change in Spike.

"What? What is everyone looking at?" Spike had not noticed the change yet. Rarity pulled out a compact mirror and showed him to a surprising reaction. "WHAT!?" Was all he could yell because even he was shocked?

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