Something's in the Forest

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During lunch,Kagani sat next to Ichigo being quiet at first but then,she started to talk a bit,She said:"U-um.....H-hi...Ichigo-Kun..." "Hi Kagani-San ^^"*.His heart began pounding again,he blushed a little,then started drinking milk so fast he got the hiccups(LOL).Kagani got him water.She tried to help him losing the hiccups like it was a big deal but, Ichigo said:"No,no*hiccup*it's fine ^^*hiccup*".

Ichigo's P.O.V

Eh...Hiccups....I started blushing for some reason while Kagani was holding my hand.I felt so weird,like i never experienced "love" before,then Kagani interrupted my thoughts and said:Ichigo-Kun,don't push you're-self,promise me that,okay?".I saw tears breaking out of her eyes,she meant it,she really cared for me even though we only met a few hours ago.

Kagani's P.O.V

He didn't know that i loved him dearly!He's such a Baka!!Ugh....Oh well...When i noticed him blushing,i looked at our hands together,then blushed hard.I got a little embarrassed too.I said as i let go of him:" scared me..that's all >3<!!" "Thanks,".I got curious and asked him:"Why?" "No-one ever cares for me...".He looked up and smiled at me like nothing ever happened.I continued to eat my lunch,but Ichigo dragged me out.

Ichigo's P.O.V

I took a breathe and...kissed her hand.i got sweaty and began blushing really hard i guess she could see it.She said"W-why'd you do THAT for?!". I said:"Just to tease you ^^!Hey! let's go into the forest :D".I felt like i was forgetting something...but WHAT EXACTLY?!For some reason i had my magic in my hands.She said:"LOOK :D a bunny ^^".She ran towards the bunny and hugged it.I had a nerve telling me:" KILL THE BUNNY!!".I got confused and looked at the bunny,it had red eyes..suddenly i shouted: KAGANI GET AWAY FROM THAT!!! >:L" "Why?!".The bunny evovled and turned into a monster!I took a breathe and plunged after Kagani and shot at the Monster bunny with my magic arrows.Thing's were NOT right!Then,it hit me,my flashback when i was 10 here,my sister was murdered by these demons..i promised i'd avenge her!And i WILL!!I let Kagani hide in a tree hole while i slashed at the Demon bunny.It raised it's hand and threw me against a tree."Gahh!"i yelled with pain.

Kagani's P.O.V

I was scared,but i wasnt going to let Ichigo die for protecting me!*i found a sword and slashed the demon with all my might.Ichigo looked surprised on how strong i was.I blushed a little while killing the Demon Bunny.It made me a little sad but,i couldn't let this bunny kill only friend i have! >:L


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