Chap 2

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It and been a week of teaching, a tedious week of teaching, but at least he had made it all the way through. Sweat ran down his forehead as he watched the twelfth and eleventh grade P.E. class run around each other in a rough game of soccer. The entire week had ended with hot sunny afternoons and Shane hated having to walk through the office, he always sped to try and avoid Lyndsey.

It was odd, for him, to have a connection to this girl he had only met a few days ago, Shane felt like a teenager again pining after a girl he clearly knew was way out of his league. Blowing the whistle he had student round up all the cones and put the goals away. Shane debating just running out to his car instead of having to encounter Lyndsey, he really wanted to make an impression on her and did not want spoil whatever chance he had.

Suddenly a though hit him, there in the middle of the courtyard he wondered 'is dating colleagues allowed?' Shane had almost tripped over himself at the thought, Lyndsey seemed like the 'no nonsense' type too, maybe this wouldn't be that easy for him to do.

Determined he stalked through the office, no longer dreading his walk through he was going to talk to James, his boss. They were friends, more like acquaintances that frequently drunk together, but surely he would say that it was okay, right? What was he thinking? He couldn't let something as little as needing permission from a 'parent' ruin his chances of getting the girl.

Shane wiped his hands against his basketball shorts and knocked on the door to James' office. It was somehow nostalgic, standing outside the principals office as if he were in trouble, looking for some form of punishment. He was just as uncomfortable standing outside the door as he was when he stepped inside, James' face showed it all, he was in no mood to play today.

He was dead set on asking his boss about having a relationship between teachers, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The high schooler in him feared the man before him, students sat in here and more often than not quake in their boots. Shane felt his eyebrow begin to twitch as if someone were tugging at the end of it, and his mouth ran dry causing him to forget all about the questions he wanted to ask. Instead all he could get out was, "Are you planning on doing anything tonight?" Shocked by his own words Shane almost threw up, 'Dammit, that sounded like I was asking him out, definitely not what I care inner for.'

"No?" Mr. Richards was curious to what the boy had to say, he had hired him immediately after he finished school and had high expectation for him. Sure he was young and got stuck with the two subjects that were hard to teach, but James hadn't expected to get asked this question, today of all days.

"Sorry sir, that came out entirely wrong," Breathing he tried not to panic and save himself the worry over simple things. "I'm going out for a drink later tonight and wanted to know if you'd like to come with." At James' hesitation he quickly added, "A few of us are going, I thought I should extend the offer."


Shutting the door behind him he put his head in his hands, miserable he trudged into the staff room to collect his bag and get out of here. He couldn't even ask his boss an important question regarding this fake relationship he is imagining with a girl that he'd only just met, how on earth would he ask her to start a real relationship!

A small and peculiar sounding squeak met his ears as he bumped into something, but Shane knew exactly who it was once he saw the bright red color of her hair. "Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry, I was rushing, and Ive gotta get out to the bus before it leaves and Im stranded here and..." Lyndsey continued her rambling, but all Shane could think of was how cute she looked when she was flustered. In the moment he grabbed ahold of her by her shoulders, noting how firm her upper arms were he attempted to cool her off a bit.

"Hey, hey, listen." Quickly she closed her mouth and let his calm voice soothe her furrowed brow. "You can take a breathe, in and out c'mon." She followed his instructions and she was alright, although still panicky and flustered she could now hear him clearly and she didn't feel as if she would pass out. "Look, the bus has already left, but I can take you to wherever you've gotta go, Alright?"

"Are you sure? I mean I'd really appreciate it but Treasure cay is really far from here, I could grab a taxi or Steph can come get me..."

"Honestly it's quite alright." He reassured, " I've done the drive tons of times and it won't be hard getting back in town."

"Shane are you sure, it's just that I know it's such a far drive and you live all the way in hope town and I live too far out of your way, besides Steph said she was coming into town to grocery shop she's probably still..."

He cut off her rambling and pulled his keys out of his nearby backpack, "Come on, let me take you." Hope swelled in his chest, it was thumping against his ribs almost painfully, this could be his chance to get to know Lyndsey better, all she had to do was let him in.

"All right, but only if I can cook you dinner sometime." She agreed with a large goofy grin and he couldn't help but love her smile. Lyndsey spun around and walked out the door Shane trailing behind her like a love drunk fool.


The old Toyota pickup he drove was rough, the air condition was busted, the cracked leather of the seats was uncomfortable and the windows only rolled down half way. He was so embarrassed, finally able to have a moment alone with Lyndsey and not able to enjoy it because he knew she was not enjoying herself. Awkwardly Shane tapped his fingers to a beat in his head against the steering wheel, 'Music would be so much better than this silence.' Leaning in he turned on the radio and static filled the cab of the truck. Gaining an ounce of confidence he asked her, "What kind of music do you listen to?"

Even though he had known the answer to the question already, he had heard her humming an old Chicago song the other day, he was still curious as to far out her taste could extend.

"Umm, mostly 80's rock, but I like everything." He smiled over at her as "inspiration" by Chicago came on the radio. This reaction was like any other he had seen since he had known her, and he watched it all in slow motion. The curve of her mouth as she exclaimed, "This is one of my favorites!" The bright red of her hair that contrasted well against her big green eyes, and the light display of freckles sprinkled across her knows most gingers couldn't have.

Nodding to the rhythm of the song they cruised down the road, slowly it faded out and she turned down the volume in order to say something.

"So, you're staying for dinner tonight right?" Her question had caught him off guard, should he stay for dinner, Shane wouldn't have a problem driving back into town, and he did not have anywhere else to be, it also wasn't even four thirty yet.

"Yeah," excited he seemed to have shouted, because Lyndsey jumped, "I mean if its no problem it'd be nice to get to know you, you know?"

"Yeah I know what you mean." With that final sentence she elegantly leaned forward to turn up the radio again, now playing "Sweet Child O' Mine" and Shane couldn't help but grin. His cheeks hurt so bad but he couldn't stop smiling, there was actually a chance that she could reciprocate his feelings for her, they could actually be together, then as if a bird hit the windshield he remembered. "Relationships between teachers is not allowed."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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