Chapter 16

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For two days, I stayed away from the phone and diverted any conversation that hinted at the phonecall that I knew I had to make.

Despite Monroe and I's small argument, her enthusiasm and bundle of joy didn't seem to be affected. On the contrary, she was full of energy and flare knowing that her friend had gone on a date with Zayn Malik.

Everyone at school had found out about it, and were always finding excuses to talk to me and ask me questions. Being the centre of attention, wasn't at all my cup of tea and always tried to dodge their curious eyes and gossip about me.

Eventually, Monroe and I made up. I couldn't go along at staying away from people; and Whitney didn't exactly make a good job at keeping people away.

"The sooner they find out, the quicker you'll get them to shut up!" Was her reason for the group of followers that were at me every second of the day.

Even the teachers knew, but fortunately for me, they didn't seem too bothered as long as my grades didn't change. My form tutor called me in for a private meeting, where she practically lectured me about the downfalls of fame and popularity. Of course, I found this ridiculous. I kept assuring her that there weren't going to be any changes and that I was well grounded and that a boy in a boyband wasn't going to change that and that I was certainly not going to be swallowed into fame for simply going to one stupid date. At the end, she seemed convinced and just asked me to "plese, focus on the exams that are soon taking place; and don't get too carried away."

I found it remarkable how one little outing, caused such a stir around things. It was weird seeing teachers talk among themselves about my personal life. Frankly it creaped me out. But when I shared these feelings with Monroe, she couldn't help but laugh.

"But wouldn't it be awesome to see Cher ask for your autograph?"

"There won't be any autographs, Monroe," I said quite angrily, "honestly now, nothing's gonna happen."

"Whatever," she said simply, hiding a smirk. I immiditaley noticed the crooked smile that soon followed onto her lips and knew she was dying to ask me the pending question that had been on my mind all day.

"Fine! I'll call him when I get home. Honestly Monroe, you're so annoying!" I stressed on the last word, knowing that my anger was building up inside me and that it wasn't particularly aimed at my best friend, but more at myself.

"I didn't say anything!" She protested faulty and then grinned at me. "I can't believe this!" She began clapping her hands together excitedly, before I tugged them back at her sides as people began to turn their heads.

"For goodness sake, shush."

Monroe mimicked zipping her mouth, and then throwing away the key.

At the end of the school day, I had managed to persuade Monroe that it was best that I embarked on this mission alone. I couldn't handle any more pressure and that my parents' knowledge of it all would suffice. Of course, she made a small tantrum but ended up agreeing to it. I was quite glad that I didn't cave like I would have done, if she had pondered on the request further.

Back home, I knew the moment had arrived. I rememeber, holding the phone and smudging the screen with the sweat on my hands. I was so nervous, but also somewhat excited. I had moments when Zayn's voice in my ear -even though, it was through a phone- popped into my head and had me quite overwhelmed. I know I shouldn't admit this, but I somhow missed the sound of his voice.

So, without further ado, I dialled the number.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Again, the seconds felt eternal. I wasn't sure if the beeping went of for longer than it had done before, or that it was just my imagination, but when the beeping had finally ceased and a voice replaced it, I felt as though the knot in my chest had loosened.

It was weird. I had expected it to reach a point where I would freeze again, and would not be able to speak. But, it hadn't.

"Hello?" His voice was deep and perhaps this was my overreaction, but it sounded kind of sad.

"Zayn?" I spoke quite hurridly. His name spilling out of my mouth, before I could hold it back.


I then didn't know what to say. What was I meant to say? Hadn't he recognised my voice? Maybe he wasn't expecting to hear from me.

I just let the silence do the talking, and after a couple of seconds Zayn reacted and immidiately asked if it was me.

"Dion, is that you?" His voice had changed, and it now sounded more alert and hopeful.

I breathed, and nodded as though he would see me. And just like a click of a switch my body changed. I could no longer say anything; I couldn't even bring myself to mutter a simple word of assurance.

"Please tell me it's you," Zayn muttered quite breathlessly which was barely audible, "Dion?"

"Y-Yes." I mumbled. "Yes, it's Dion," I brought a hand over my mouth and realised I was shaking. I began biting my nails, trying to control my nerves as I waited for Zayn to reply.

"Oh wow!" Now, I know that I couldn't see Zayn, but I was certain that he was grinning as he said that. You just notice the sudden change in voice and character, as the person speaks. "I thought you weren't going to call," he continued. I also noticed that he was pacing, I could hear movement and his breathing had alterled; very much like mine.

"Well, I did!" I exclaimed and then bit my tongue at how embarrassing that sounded. Why was I being so awkward? It was obviously obvious that I had called. Why do I do this to myself, I thought.

His voice then tickled at my ear, as he chuckled and followed by taking in a breath. "You have made me a really happy chap, now."

I smiled at his words, but didn't say anything. It was a lot to take in. Being in a situation where you're the reason for someone else's sudden change and joy was vast and yet mind blowing. I had never experienced anything like it, before. Not even with Michael.

"I'm glad," I said after a while.

"You calling me, means a lot. If I tell you the torture you put me through these few days, is unbelievable."

My eyes widened and I couldn't keep a small giggle from escaping my lips, and as he heard my amusement he laughed as well.

"It's true! But I know it makes you uncomfortable, so I'll stop. You just had to hear that."

"I don't know what to say," I quickly mumbled. And it was true. I didn't know what to make of that, and I also didn't know what to say in order to carry on this conversation. I was so useless at engaging with people, I certainly was nothing like Monroe.

"You don't have to say anything," I smiled as he said that, and felt my cheeks redden. I also noticed that I had stopped biting my nails, and that my hands were no longer shaking like a leaf in autumn. "Although, you just have to answer to one small thing, if that's okay?"

"Okay..." I breathed a small nervous laugh at the end, not knowing what kind of "thing" he was going to ask me.

"Can I see you?"

His voice had been stripped of the happy aura and had taken a much serious tone. But, even by the seriousness in his voice, it wasn't making me uncomfortable. I knew, that he wasn't sure of how I was going to react to that. For all it was, he was taking a risk with me.

However, that didn't stop me from grinning. I couldn't believe that I was so overjoyed to hear those four words. My body, was yelling at me to agree. Yet, my head was still doubtful. I had to take a chance, myself. I needed to break out of this shell.

I still didn't know why, but I knew that I wanted to give this boy a chance. You're braver than you make yourself believe.

"Sure." I responded, and I hoped he didn't hear the smile on my face like the smile I had heard on his.


Dun, dun, dun! I have finally uploaded! Woop woop!

FInally, Dion has said yes to something!

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