Chapter 27

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It turned out my dad and Harry had gotten along just fine. They came up to the room laughing. The first thing my dad even said to me before he could ask about how I was or about my little accident was that "Harry is a good lad", and he even proceeded on to say "I like him".

I was oustanded. Louis tried to take the opportunity to get on my father's good side, since he was in such a good mood, but he was just pushing his luck. My dad made a face and then approached me. Harry apparently had told him all about my accident as well, so I didn't have to tell him anything at all. Zayn wanted to say something during that time, but never got the chance to since my dad ignored him completely and was frankly quite cold towards him.

After a little while, we left. I said goodbye to all after apologising for the incident to which they all replied that I should not worry about it. I smiled at Zayn, knowing my dad was hesitant of letting me anywhere near him. He however, encouraged me to hug Harry back after he had approached me. Of course, I had to accept. It was an awkward moment, as I had Zayn's eyes on me and my cheeks had flushed incredibly. And to add to the embarrassment my dad teased me about my cheeks turning red the moment I had let go.

Once in the car, I felt terrible that I hadn't stood up for myself and perhaps declined Harry's hug. I should have gone to hug Zayn. Yet, as I watched the buildings and people and houses rush past me as we drove home, I couldn't take the feeling of Harry's gentle hands touching my back or my upper arm when I was laying down.

My mind was overthinking absolutely everything, and my stomach was turning in a familiar way that only hinted that I wanted to be sick. I remember that throughout our journey, my dad made cheeky remarks about Harry liking me. I denied them immidiately, but my dad only continued.

"Yer saw the way he looked at yer?"

"No, dad! I did not look at the way he looked at me because that isn't any of my interest."

"That Zack kid is a bit weird," he proceeded, as he turned a corner.

"His name is Zayn, and no he is not weird.... why would you say that?"

"His hair fer star'ers, what the bloody hell is that blond thing on it? He looks like a skunk!"

"I think it looks quite nice," I muttered lowly, quite taken aback by his rude remark.

My dad gave a loud scoff and then added, "I'd approve of Harry, he's a good lad,"

"You've already said that..."

"Well, that's 'cause he is! You even blushed when yer hugged him," he laughed, teasing me.

"No I did not!"

"Yer did!"

"Dad, stop!"

"Don't tell me, yer actually 'ave feelings fer skunk?"

"I-" He was looking at me now, waiting for an answer, "I don't really want to talk about boys with you dad,"

"I'll take that as a no then," He carried on and ignored my protests.

Once home, there was someone waiting for me inside. I couldn't believe mum had let her in.

"Dion!" She fakely beamed as she saw me; she put down her cuppa and rose to hug me.

"Cher, what are you doing here?" I pushed her away, and looked at my mum who was inspecting my face closely. 

"I needed help with my homework, and I know you're practically a math genius, so I came to you and your mum was so kind to let me in," She giggled lightly as my mum had wrapped her fingers around my chin and was looking at the bruise forming there. She gave it a dissaproving look, before Cher added, "I hope you're feeling better. When your mum told me you had fainted, I got so worried..."

"Well, I'm fine," I replied curtley and pulled away from my mum's grip giving the excuse that it hurt. "Cher, I don't think I can help you, I was unconcsious not so long ago-"

"It's just that doing it, will also help me as revision, and we've got our exam next week and..." Her voice became fainter as she knew her little net of lies had already trapped my parents inside it.

"Honey, you breathe maths, so I don't think that helping Cher will strain you in any way,"

"Fine," Cher beamed again immidiately as she had realised she won and was now making her way upstairs. I hated the fact Cher treated my house like it was her own, and I hated the fact my mum still thought I was still friends with her!

"You need to tell me everything about your date later on," Mum whispered in my ear excitedly, before I followed Cher upstairs.

Once upstairs, Cher's angry eyes were what greeted me in my room.

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