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'42-42-564' Kid wrote in the newly created condensation on the mirror above the fireplace in the gallows' library. There was a ringing noise, like that of a telephone, before Kid's reflection was replaced with an image of his father.

"Hey, hiya 'sup? How ya doin' Kiddo?" The older shinigami greeted enthusiastically. This was met by a light chuckle.
"I'm fine father. But this call concerns other matters." Came Kid's reply.
"Oh?" Shinigami-sama asked, curiosity evident in his voice.
"Iwannagotoaregularschool." Kid blurted out.


"I would like to attend a regular school."


"No weapons, no meisters, just normal people."

"HUH?! B-but Kid! Who's gonna keep me company? Or keep DWMA symmetrical? O-or help me annoy Spirit?!" Shinigami-sama spluttered.
"Just think of it as a change of scenery." Kid attempted to reason.
"I guess there's no talking you out of it is there?" The older shinigami said sadly, receiving a stubborn shake of the head from the stripe-haired boy on the other side of the mirror.
"Alright, fine! But I'll call you every day and send money each week... And I'm getting you a cat!"

Kid sighed, before agreeing. He wasn't too sure about the cat idea...

TIMESKIP: Death City pet store

"I would like to get my son a cat." Shinigami-sama said to the awestruck receptionist.
"O-of course Shinigami-sama... T-they're right though there..." She said, gesturing towards a door on her left.

Once the door was open, kid was bombarded with 'meow's. Cats of all ages were rubbing against his legs, weaving between them and trying to get their share of the attention.
But he wasn't looking at them. He was looking at a small black kitten in the back, desperately pawing at it's ears, as if trying to take them off.

Kid picked up the cat to get a better look. There, on its right ear, were three white stripes.
"Oh ho! You match!" Shinigami-sama exclaimed, gesturing toward the strips of white on the left side of his son's head. "What d'ya wanna call her?"
Kid thought for a bit."Eight."


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