Interview 11 - a_colorful_dreamer

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Are you a reader or a writer?

Both. I love to read AND write^^

Same here. I like your username how did you come up with it?

Hmm...I don't even know haha. but I like to dream a lot, and I like to do art stuff. you know, with colors. And I thought, why not make colorful another way to say crazy or unique? and so came a_colorful_dreamer (: love yours too btw. so poetic~~

Haha Thanks, I think that was what I was going for - Don't exactly remember. So whitest Asian huh? Tell us a bit about that.

Haha I'm Korean. My parents each moved to the US when they were junior high kids, so they grew up in the states. I was born and raised right where I live today, so I've been surrounded by Americans basically my whole life. I sound and act like an American. I can't speak Korean either. I suck at it haha. So basically if I was with a bunch of my white frienda and you coulsn't see my face, you'd think I was a white kid too.

Hahaha. I'm Chinese and I don't speak it well I'm surprised I have forgotten it completely, I used to speak heaps when I was little. Now I struggle in conversations with my Grandma. Do you do anything else on Wattpad other than read and write like (but not limited to) book covers, editing, trailers,reviews etc...?

Umm I did do a few book covers but that was when I had more free I'm caught up with school, voice lessons, writing, reading, watching my baby sister, and sleeping that I don't really do many other things. I tried reviews but I didn't like it much

Fair enough. I've noticed you do A LOT of things. I saw your list of things you love and it sounds like you have a full on life.

I'd like to say that haha. I try to keep myself as busy as possible by just having fun. Because you know that one saying--Enjoy life. You have plenty of time to be dead(:

True, true. Life's too short to dwell on the past but that doesn't mean you should forget it either. As a writer you can find inspiration in almost everything so what doesn't inspire you?

Hm. I'd have to say that I try not to draw inspirations fron already written stories. i rarely do, because I don't want to have to deal with the whole "oh you're such a copy cat!" thing. It's also very difficult to make it sound like your very own, original thing.

I know exactly what you mean. And then there's the whole 'cliche' thing. It's hard work to be original. What's one memory you could never forget?

hmm my baby sister being born. I remember every little detail and it's just such a happy memory I'd never WANT to forget it.

Awh! Cute! So Tell us about your stories :)

Well the main on I'm writing is called Why She Fell. Two years ago, Erin Fitzgerald was the "It" girl. She rejected and humiliated a boy she loved, her best friend named Daniel Carter, and all because of his geekiness/dorkiness. He moved away not long after. Flash forward two years and it's Erin's junior year, and she's somehow fallen from top to bottom. Even more suprising? Daniel comes back, and he's cooler, hotter, and more popular. Initially, he wants nothing to do with Erin, who's busy trying to blend in. But that's not so easy when her ex-best friend is so out to get her, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.That's the gist of it. It's Humor/Romance/Teen Fiction.

Another story I've got has a yet undetermined title. I've only posted the sneak peek of it onto my profile. A girl named Elizabeth Bishop knows something is wrong with her boyfriend. What she doesn't know? That's not actually her boyfriend.I also have a little book on Writing Tips(:

That sounds awesome and from what I've seen, quite popular amongst Wattpaders. Hahaha 'Daniel carter'. He's a Rugby player and just so happens to be in my newest story 'Backing Black'. What a coincidence. How did you come up with it?

Haha I chose the name Daniel because its just a nice name in general, and i read Carter in book. It has a nice ring to it. And so, Daniel Carter^^

Haha. So how did 'Why she fell' come about?

That's a very good question haha. I think I was actually thinking of the good ol' cliche "Popular guy nerd girl" and was wondering what would happen if it was a popular girl and dorky guy, and if she rejects him for her social status. Then everything else sort of fell into place.

I love it when things turn out like that. Have you got any recommendations (Wattpad/Published) for fellow Wattpaders?

For Wattpad:

May the Force be With You by Linders, In Ever Silence by -1812- (these two are fantasies) Teen Fiction: Ten Reasons Not to Fall in Love by BadLuck, Sour Sweet Love by my good friend JarFullOfCookies, anything by WhyteRhose, my other friend, and she has so many books...and also Zachary by ChellyBell^^


Gone by Michael Grant, the Gallagher Girl series by Ally Carter, the Maze Runner Trilogy by James Dashner, any Meg Cabot books, any Sarah Dessan books (:Yeah, I've got a lot haha...anything in my library, basically. :P

Haha they're awesome recommendations especially the published one. I love Gallagher girls, Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot. They're some great authors. What's your favourite book by Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot? (name one or two for each)

By Meg Cabot, I’d have to say “All American Girl.” That one’s just such a classic. For Sarah Dessan...I’ve read so many...I think I’ve read all of them haha. I’d have to say “Lock and Key” or “Someone Like You.” I just love how realistic her stories are. She’s such an amazing writer and one of the authors I look up to.

Same here, I agree with you with 'All American Girl' the sequel's not that great but I do like the Heather Wells series. For Sarah Dessen, I've read both of the ones you've mentioned but I really like 'This Lullaby. How about some advice to the awesome people reading this to wrap up?

Advice? Well, hm. What kind of advice? O_O

Any. Most people I interview assume it's writing advice but I just mean in general. Maybe you did something and what to strongly advise others not to do it? I don't know. Anything really.

I guess...just don’t be afraid of who you are. Don’t try to be fake like so many people do, trying to create someone new for them to be. Most people will be able to see right through it--like a sixth sense. Whether it’s through writing, singing, dancing, acting, or even just talking...make what comes out be what is you. Trust me. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s something that  you have to remember.Also, don’t make quick judgements. I’ve made bad judgements of people and later I felt bad about it when I found out they were awesome, kind, and cool people. Even though they never knew my initial impression of them, I still felt really ashamed. So don’t do it.

That was deep and insightful. I completely agree with you. Thanks so much for letting me interview you and I wish you all the best for your stories :)

Thanks! I wish you the best with your interviews. I enjoyed it very much, and I'm sure plenty of others will, too^^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2011 ⏰

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