Tag . . . Again???

29 0 5

Yeah, two tags in one day. Thank the fabulous CrystalMelady for that.

Ok, so this one's different, these questions are ones I have to answer, so my answers will be in underline form like this. Let's begin:

1. Name
Actually just call me Frisk or Kyrgy, but my real name is Tris

2. Relationship status
Single. Boys honestly don't like me

3. Crush
Besides video game characters, nobody really (ANYONE FROM BCJHS SAYS ANYTHING, I WILL SHANK YOU ON MONDAY!!!)

4. Height
Last time I checked, it was about 5' 8". I'm practically a giant

5. Birthday
October 11, 2002. I'm 13, turning 14 this year

6. Best girl friend
Jade Crouse, no joke

7. Best guy friend
Eh . . . maybe my friend Jackson Kelp or Jake Huddleston (ONCE MORE, SHUT UP BCJHS STUDENTS!!!!)

8. Last song you listened to
Dream Catcher by Set It Off

9. Last time you cried
I think that was when I had feels over a comic about Monster Kid possibly not have any parents. IT WAS SO SAD!!!

10. Last time you laughed
About a minute ago, I was watching this movie called Ghost Squad. It's really good, I recommend it.

AND, I'm done now!!! Let's see who tags me next. I'll tag only 5 peeps this time, and I'll try not to tag anyone from the last chapter:

1. Allygagne4708

2. AwesomenessPrimal

3. chibi_vampire_senpai

4. countrygrlena

5. Double_Undertrash (HA!!! I JUST TAGGED MY COLLAB ACCOUNT!!! waferwhale you can answer these)


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