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Ok, so I got tagged by @LardyMcBucket so let's do this.

1.) What do you do in your free time?
Write, write, write and write, and singing

2.) Any pets?
dogs, ducks, and cats

3.) Favorite video game
. . . Undertale is great, but I actually like LoZ better. I actually haven't played any of the games, but I've seen my brother play Majora's Mask, so I chose that game

4.) Any siblings?
An older step brother, a younger brother, a younger step brother and a younger step sister

5.) What's your name?
I don't feel comfortable giving out my name, so just call me Verglas

6.) Favorite memory
When my friend from elementary school fell in a giant mud ditch

7.) Are you an artist, scientist, or writer?

8.) Do you have a typing quirk?
. . . what does quirk mean?

9.) Which accomplishment are you most proud of?
Getting an editor. THANKS x_caster !!!!!

10.) What do you think about this question?
It should GET DUNKED ON!!!

11.) Favorite Homestuck character
Idk what that is

12.) What would your superpower be?
Flight and teleportation

13.) Is this the last question?
*brain explodes*

Ok, time to tag 10 peeps:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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