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it was thursday, already the second last day of detention. ella had acknowledged that, but she didn't want to think about it, because honestly, she really enjoyed spending time with vernon.

she was walking down the empty corridor, as usual, until she reached the door of the detention room. once she entered the class, vernon was already sitting there.

"hey," she smiled at him. he returned the favour as she took a seat. "what are we doing today?"

"i don't know," vernon replied. "mr kim hasn't come in yet. i guess he just wants us to stay in the class since we've already cleaned everything."

ella slumped down, burying her head in her arms. "this is boring."

"well, i know how what to do," vernon responded. ella could hear a hint of playfulness in his voice, so she looked up at him.

"you wanna skip detention?"

vernon slowly opened the classroom door and stuck his head outside to check for any teachers, specifically mr kim. thankfully, the coast was clear.

"are you sure we can do this, vernon?" ella asked him for the nth time.

"no, i'm not sure, but i don't care." he grabbed onto ella's arm and pulled her out of the room along with him. she flinched at first, but instantly relaxed in his grip.

"let's get out of here!" vernon cheered. the two began to walk at a fast pace, and gradually began to run their way out of the school building before any teachers spotted them.

"where are we going?" ella was struggling to keep up with vernon. he was surprisingly fast.

"somewhere nice."

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