Chapter 19

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"Harry, what are you doing?" Charlotte asked, annoyed.

"Searching for Delilah's number." I replied.

"Why? She's just a girl who you aren't even friends with anymore!" She replied.

"She isn't just a girl." I mumbled under my breath.

She stood there just looking at me. I know I probably looked like a crazed maniac, tearing up my room and all, but I had to find her number. I don't know why, but I do.

"You aren't even going to find it. You probably threw away the paper just like everything else." She said.

"It is in my address book and what is that suppose to mean?" I asked.

I wasn't positive it was in my address book, but when I was younger whenever I got a I number I would put it in that book in case I needed it.

"Nothing." She mumbled.

I finished searching threw the last box and it wasn't there. Defeated, I walked over to my desk and sat down, sighing.

I closed my eyes for a moment as Charlotte went on and on about how pointless this was.


"Gosh! Would you just shut up?!" I angrily yelled.

I snapped my eyes open and instantly hated myself. How could I say that? How could I say that? That was awful! This whole time I have been trying to save her and get her back and by some sick twisted miracle I did and now I'm telling her to shut up all because I'm getting overly defensive and a bit obsessive over Delilah?

Tears sprung to her eyes but she shoved them back down and smiled.

She walked over to me and moved something on the table so it was in front of me.

I looked down and saw the book.

"I was just going to tell you I found it. It was tucked behind some papers and books." She said in a hurt voice.

"Char, I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean that." I said as I stood up.

I went to hug her but she pulled away.

"It's fine! I promise. So call her! Go head!" She said with a smile on her face and a cheerful ring in her voice.

It was so weird. Just one second again she was trying so hard not to cry and now she is smiling. I seriously blinked and now she is smiling. She literally put on a mask and smiled and hid her hurt from me.


"Charlie. Please. You don't have to pretend with me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or be rude and mean, I'm just having a really hard time right now. I know that's no excuse, but I'm sorry. I really am." I said as I held her hand.

She shifted away.

"I said it's okay. Goodness, Styles, it's fine!" She said, laughing.

I looked into her eyes and even though she was smiling her eyes weren't. I knew I had hurt her. Gosh, I'm a idiot. I really, truly am.

I pulled out my phone and was greeted by a photo of Charlie and I, smiling and making silly faces.

I remember when we took that. That day was awesome. We had just gotten back from a day at the fair and she was so happy. She stayed the night and we watched movies and ate pizza and had a ton of popcorn, she even let me in a little bit. Even though we have been friends since we can remember she never really talked about her feelings or problems. She was always smiley and happy and never ever focused on herself. I wish she did and whenever I tried to focus on her, she would always turn the subject around and focus on something else. I wonder if she wasn't always happy. If she isn't always happy. What is she hiding behind that beautiful smile of hers?

"Harry?" She asked.

I snapped my head up and looked at her. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I realized I had been staring at the screen and making faces to go along with my thoughts inside my head.

She giggled and it was music to my ears.

Gosh there wasn't a better known sound to man then Charlotte's laugh and I know that for a fact.

I smiled, uncontrollably, ear to ear, which in turn cause her to smile even bigger and laugh more.

I hugged her. I hugged her for at least 5 minutes and she didn't even move. All she did was just hug tighter and tighter.

"I missed you." She said.

I was a bit confused by her statement because in this world I didn't become famous and I never left, but I think she was talking about how I was 'gone', for lack of a better word, for two weeks.

"I missed you too, Char." I said, hugging even tighter.

I felt my shirt get wet and I knew she was slightly crying.

I pulled back a bit so I could see her face and all I saw was her perfect angel face trying so hard not to cry, but failing.

I brushed her hair away from her face and looked into her eyes for a moment then at her.

"You don't have to be strong anymore. I'm here and I won't ever leave again. I promise. I'm here to stay." I told her.

She hugged me again.

"Thank you." She said, still crying.

"I love you, Charlotte."

"I love you too, Harry."

"I always have and I always will. You're my everything and I love you beyond what words can say. I love you. I will never leave, I'm here to stay. I promise. I love you."

"Thank you. I love you too. Ditto." She said with a laugh. "Sorry, I'm not the most romantic."

"Ditto." I replied with a smile and a chuckle.

I pulled back and kissed her. She kissed back and it was magical. I swear if I opened my eyes I would see fireworks and sparks and the whole room would be illuminated right now. It was the best kiss I have ever gotten in my entire life and the I have been longing for my entire life.

"I love you."


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