Home sweet home?

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The drive to the tower seemed extremely long...I had an old Volkswagen bus that was an orange color. (Lilly has dubbed it..The great pumpkin.) So I guess any ride would seem long with no AC and slightly uncomfortable seats...but at least we have a rockin' sound system, which Lils took advantage of right away with hopes of being the DJ. 

I played along and let her have her way with the music...in all honesty I just hoped that it helped her calm her nerves about meeting Robin. 

But now here we are parked in the drive way...in the Great Pumpkin...with a giant 'T' towering over us. To say we were nervous would be the biggest understatement ever spoken. I glanced over at my twin and saw her looking at me with large eyes and a green twinge to her skin. 

I gulped, but pretended to be confident for her..."Well come on Lilly, we can't put it off much longer..." I pulled the keys out of my ignition and hooked them to my belt whilst walking around to the trunk pulling out my backpack and duffle. I reached for Lilly's lime green suitcase and dragged it from the back of the car setting it on the asphalt as I closed the trunk. I rolled her case to the passenger door and opened it up. 

"Come on Lils..." I said gently reaching over her to unbuckle her seat belt. I helped her out of the car as she clutched her back pack nervously. I touched her arm and muttered calming words and watched as she visibly relaxed. 

"Thanks Luna" She smiled grabbing her suitcase from me, then reaching for my hand as I started up the walk. 

"Anytime sis" I grinned finally coming to a stop at the door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Almost immediately the door was opened by the cutest boy i'd ever laid eyes on, he was perfect all the way from his green hair to his amazing smile. I literally could not contain my excitement...

"Beast boy!" I yelled, giving him a huge hug, which I know caused my orange eyes to fade to a pink tone. I remembered that Beast boy probably didn't even know who we were and I immediately let go of him. Heat quickly rose to my cheeks.

Beast Boy laughed a bit and scratched the back of his head, "You um must be um Luna and erm Lilly" He said nervously as pink started to fill his own cheeks.

"We sure are." I smiled. "I'm Luna and that's my twin Lilly" I pointed my thumb behind me at Lilly who was basically jumping up in down at this point. Hearing me mention her name she perked up and smiled.

"Hi!" She giggled with a wave, "Uh, Where's Robin?" She asked nervously. I laughed a bit but tried to cover it up with a cough...which apparently wasn't too convincing seeing as I earned a jab in the ribs from Lilly's elbow.

Beast boy, unaware of the small tussle between us just grinned. "Right this way!" He laughed again, making butterflies explode in my stomach. He motioned us in and Lilly grabbed my hand again dragging me inside. Beast boy followed us quite closely and I couldn't help but notice his minty yet spicy smell, I tried to stop day dreaming as we got closer to what I assumed was the living room...the last thing I wanted to do was look like an idiot in front of the Titans. 

When we reached the living room we had about two point five seconds to set our bags down and wave before we were bombarded with questions. 

"You are Lilly and Luna yes?" "Luna what are your powers?" "Can you guys fly" "Is that your Volkswagen?" "Lilly are you good with plants cause I keep killing them!?" "Wow I like your hair!" "You're pretty..." 

Everyone turned to Beast boy at his last outburst and stifled laughter.

"Uh BB, You okay man?" Cyborg asked him teasingly. Beast boy just blushed and shoved the hand that Cyborg had placed on his forehead away. Everyone laughed again but was cut off by Robin. 

"Guys! We need to actually question them." He called out placing a hand on Lilly's shoulder..."Lilly you can be first, we can head to the training room and then when you're done I'll question Luna" He smiled at Lilly making her practically melt into a puddle of love at his feet. She looked around flustered before realizing that she would be alone and in close contact with Robin...ALONE. Now, Lilly isn't the toughest person out there...She's pretty shy and sensitive...and when put into situations where she has to confront certain things and be put on the spot...her powers tend to go a bit crazy.

She looked around panicked as vines started shooting out from the floor and flowers started falling from the ceiling. She looked at me for help, I dodged the vines that continued to sprout from the floor and stopped in front of her putting my hands on her tiny shoulders. 

"Lilly...Lilly...Come on, it's okay Lils. Don't panic." I tried to calm her down as the rest of the titans gathered around. "Lils, I gotta use my powers on you okay? I'm sorry Lilly-bug." I hated using my powers on her, I just felt like I was violating her and it worried me. "Look into my eyes Lil..." She looked up with her eyes watering. "What color are they Lilly?" I asked trying to actually get her to look into my eyes and focus. 

"They're um they're a pink color"  She said looking into them. 

"Okay good Lilly, now don't worry" I stared into her eyes and muttered one word..."Calm" I kept our eyes locked as the vines retreated and the flowers disappeared. Once her shoulders lost their tension I let go and broke our gaze. 

She blinked twice, slowly.  "Oh um, I'm sorry..." She mumbled embarrassed. I gave her a hug and looked to Robin. 

"Robin if you want to question us, I don't think we can be separate...especially if you have to do the questioning."  I said to the masked teen. He opened his mouth to respond but was cut off with...

"OH MY GOSH! LUNA! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" Beast boy looked flabbergasted and I just laughed and blushed darker. 

"My powers...they revolve around emotions...mine and others, usually I can control ice and make ya'know ice shoot from my palms and freeze things and stuff but when pushed to emotional points the element changes...like if i'm really mad it's lightning, if I'm really sad it's water...get it? But I can always manipulate peoples emotions and make them feel like how I choose for them too." I responded slowly looking at the faces of the titans, who seem intrigued.

"Interesting" Robin said with a quizzical look on his face. Beast boy just responded with a "Sweeeeet" But it really didn't matter what he said my tummy still erupted into butterflies.

"Well Lilly...what are your powers?" Robin asked moving over to the sofa and taking a seat. We soon joined him while Lils started to explain. 

"I can control plants, I can manipulate them how ever i'd like, I can turn anything into a plant and even make plants appear out of thin air. But I can also use things from plants or use tactic that plants use to survive...like I can produce sleeping gas, poison gas, I can make sticky traps appear and sweet aromas to lure people in...and I can camouflage myself." Lilly smiled and looked around at the please and impressed faces of the Titans. Beast boy mumbled a quiet wow, and then grinned cheekily. 

"Wow...that's amazing." Robin said with a smile looking at my twin. "So how old are you two?" Robin asked. 

We both simultaneously said "Seventeen."  We knew we fit right in Cyborg had just turned twenty and Robin and Beast boy were eighteen. Raven was nineteen, Starfire was Seventeen...and of course we already knew that Bee was nineteen and Speedy and Aqualad were eighteen. 

"Birthday?" Robin asked simply. We looked at each other and grinned. 

"October Thirty first!" We grinned again and giggled. In case you were wondering the whole answering at the same time thing...definitely a twin thing. Robin cleared his throat...

"Now what are-" Robin was cut off but the wall crumbling down and confetti raining down from the ceiling. "What the?" He wondered out loud as we looked around confused...Cyborg jumped up and got his arm cannon ready and Starfire floated into the air. Robin jumped up on high alert now and the rest of us soon joined him...


oh no...this can't be good.

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