Heaven is a bean bag on green shag carpet.

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This is amazing.

I was in a very pastel ice cream parlor...

But this was totally amazing.

The walls where a minty green and the floors had that old burger joint black and white checkered pattern. We were perched in a little vinyl booth that was a cherry red, with one huge dish of ice cream set in front of us...one side of this dish was cotton candy and bubble gum...And the other was toffee and peanut butter...If you can't guess which side is mine then you obviously don't know how much of a sweet tooth I have.

"Hey Lu?" The Green hottie asked, setting his spoon down and looking directly at me.
I quirked an eyebrow and smiled..."Yes?" I asked casually even though on the inside I had already died of heart failure and butterflies had taken over my stomach.

"I like you a lot...and..uh well i'm just glad you came with me today..." Beast boy blushed bright read and wouldn't even look up to meet my eyes, he just kept fiddling with the broken plastic covering the table.

I grinned and held in my girly scream.

"I like you a lot too BB, and i'm glad you asked." I said, the grin never leaving my face. I grabbed his usually gloved hand and intertwined our fingers. I felt like the luckiest person alive. Nothing and I mean nothing could bring me down.

With the ice cream dish pretty much empty we decided to head back to the tower.

We piled into the T-car that Cy had graciously let us borrow, BB put the key in the ignition and grabbed onto the steering wheel with one hand...the other being free to grab mine.

"Maybe when we head back home...I can teach you how to play Resident Evil...?" BB asked with a cheeky grin.

I looked up with a huge grin. "I freaking love Resident Evil!! And...I'd love to play with you...you can protect me from the zombies!" I laughed and gave him a flirty wink. He blushed again and focused his eyes back on the road...and before too long we were pulling in to the driveway of the tower.

Beast boy put the car in park and pulled the keys out of the ignition before bolting out of his door and sprinting over to my door and opening it for me.

"Aww, BB you're literally too sweet." I sent him another wink and he chuckled and grabbed my hand again. He led me up to the door of the tower and I followed him inside.

The place was deserted.

"Are we the only ones here?" I asked basking in the quietness. It was never quiet in the tower...ever.

Beast boy shrugged...I shrugged back and scampered down the hall way to my room, kicking off my shoes before noticing that Lilly was still passed out in her bed.

"Lazy bum." I mumbled underneath my breath. I quietly left the room and beast boy was waiting for me out in the hallway.

"I thought we could get started kicking zombie butt." He said flashing me another grin and crossing the hall to his room.

"Sounds fantastic." I followed him into his bedroom and over towards his little bean bag chair.

"Since resident evil one is single player...I'll watch while you play." I suggest with a smirk

"Hey I'm fine with that." He laughed and settled on to the bean bag and pulled me into his lap. I blushed like a mad women but snuggled closer into his chest.
Beast boy just grinned and wrapped his arms around me and held the controller in his hands.

"Time to kill some zombies!" he cheered happily. I focused on the dark screen and watched BB work the really confusing controls. I was pretty easily scared but I didn't want Beast boy to think that I'm weak...
 Beast boy was exploring this really creepy cabin...the music was extra creepy and the lights were all flicker-y and stuff and then like right out of freaking nowhere this crazy zombie chick jumped out and scared the bejeebus outta me. I literally yelped and jumped a foot in the air...Bb paused the game and grabbed me and pulled me further into him and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"It's okay Luna, don't be scared." He mumbled against my neck, his lips grazing my flesh sending chills down my body. 

"I'm okay" I whispered and I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and grazed my thumb over the hair at the nape of his neck. 

"Good." He mumbled again before popping up and startling me again. 

"Cause you know what?" he asked grinning. 

"hmm?" I said looking up at him through my lashes and biting my lip a bit. 

"I'll always protect ya!" He grinned before placing a quick peck on my lips. It was so sudden and quick that if I had blinked I woulda missed it. 

I looked at him a bit in shock and brought my hand to my lips. He looked at me quizzically and quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Sorry...that was just um, my first real kiss."I blushed and looked down trying to hide my blush with my white and now pink streaked hair. He lightly put his hands on my face and brought my face back up to look him in the eyes. 

"You're adorable." He stated simply before kissing my nose and pulling me back into his lap and resuming the game. 

My life could literally not be any better.

When I awoke....

I was still clutched tightly in Beast boy's arms. (THANK GOD)  We were sprawled on the bean bag, my beanie was missing and so was one of my socks...it literally never fails, I always loose a sock while i'm sleeping.
I rolled over and turned to face the still sleeping Bb. I looked at the time on his watch and saw it only to be seven. 
That didn't really bother me, and I was prepared to go right back to sleep...cause I mean nowhere feels as great as right here in his arms. I placed a quick kiss to his nose before snuggling back into his arms and falling back asleep. 

Life is fantastic. 

also sorry for the lack of Lilly in this chapter...but I really wanted to get the LuxBB ship sailing and stuff..please don't hate me! 

Vote and comment please xx 

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