Deep in love

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It's been so many years since I first met Juvia, it seems strange that we started off as enemy's when her old guild Phantom Lord attacked us.

Since then we've become close friends and go on missions together all the time.


I was stood in the guild looking at the job requests when I saw Gray-sama walking in with Lisanna, laughing and linked arms. I felt anger towards Lisanna but then tears began to well up. I held them back and chose a job perfect for me which was requested by Lamia Scale.

I trudged home slowly while thinking about what I saw earlier. I suppose it's unlikely that they are together but they looked like a couple... I finally reached my home and when I was inside I slammed the door shut and let my emotions out.

I cried for a while before getting myself together and began packing for my mission. Taking a deep breath I picked up my suitcase and went back outside of my house. I locked my door and headed to the train station.


When I walked into the guild with Lisanna I noticed Juvia stood at the requests board. "Ooh there's you're crush," Lisanna cooed, I blush then we both laugh. I looked over at Juvia again and realised she had been peering at us. When she quickly turned around I saw tears in her eyes.

"Lisanna, I think Juvia saw us laughing and thought wrongly about it," I told her, my voice shaking. She told me to go after her and explain that we're not together. When I had got outside of the guild I saw her running and turn into an alleyway towards her house, she was clutching a job request from the board.

I carried on walking to try and catch up with her but when I reached her house she had locked the door. I could hear her sobbing and thought that she wouldn't want to see me right now so I headed back home. Looking back, I saw Juvia heading out of her house to the train station.


When Gray got back to the guild I asked him how it went but he just shook his head. "Oh, has she already left for her mission?" I asked him, he just nodded. He sat down and put his head in his hands. "Now she's going to hate me," he sniffed and I could see a tear roll down his cheek. "Hey! You listen to me she truly loves you and you love her so just confess and explain how I've been helping you come up with ways of asking her out!" I yell at him to make him understand.

"I guess you're right," he sniffed again and gave me a sad smile "thanks for your help Lisanna."


When I arrived at Lamia Scale I was greeted by Sherry and Chelia and they explained why they needed me. "We put out the request specifically asking for you but I guess Jura forgot to mention that in the description." Explained Sherry. "Anyway we have a leak in the basement and its completely flooded, Jura has already fixed the pipe we just need your help to get rid of the water."

I walk down into the basement to get rid of the water. I compress it all into a floating bubble and move it outside and put it into the lake near their guild. When I was done I collected my payment and began heading back to the station. Suddenly I was stopped by Lyon.

"Hello Juvia, my love," he grinned at me. " Lyon...I was just on my way home.." I mumble while trying to walk past him. "Oh so soon? Won't you stay just a little longer?" He stepped towards me, coming closer and closer. "Ughh!.....please Lyon don't..." I go to push him but he grabs me arms. "

Suddenly I hear a familiar make voice, "Get the heck off her," I turned to see Gray! What's he doing here!? He grabs Lyon and pushes him over, "Leave her alone!" He says before grasping my hand and dragging me back to the station.


It was a good job I went to Lamia Scale after all. If I hadn't got there then goodness knows what would have happened to Juvia.

We were still running, hand in hand, when we reached the station. We boarded the train without a word and sat down next to the window. I looked at Juvia and she was crying, "Juvia! Hey it's okay you're safe now," I saw to her, then I give her a hug. "Gray-sama, are you.......and..Lisanna.....together..?" She asks my, her voice breaking. "No Juvia, she was....helping me with something." I needed to tell her what it was Lisanna was helping me with. "Helping?" I looked at Juvia and she had stopped crying and now looked confused. I took a deep breath, "The truth! She was helping me ask you out..." I turn away blushing, dreading to see what her reaction would be.


Gray-sama loves me. He actually loves me.

I was too shocked to speak. I look at him and see his cheeks are flushed with pink. "Gray, will.....will you go out..with me?" I open my eyes wider and am surprised by what I said. I look at him and he's blushing even more, this time he doesn't look embarrassed. Instead he smiles and says "of course I will Juvia," he leans forwards and kisses me on the lips. His lips are soft and warm.

More coming soon.

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