Together Forever

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It's been around a month since me and Juvia started dating so I decided to take her out on a date. But I had no experience whatsoever and didn't even know where to take her.

I decided to ask Natsu to see what he thought. "Um hey Natsu can I talk to you for a moment, please?" I asked him quietly just in case either Lucy or Juvia were listening in. "Hmm? What about?" He asked me. I looked around the guild to double check Juvia wasn't hiding anywhere. "Well I want to take Juvia out on a date but I don't even know where to begin," I look at him hoping for an answer. "Why are you asking me! I haven't even plucked up the courage to ask Lucy out yet!" Nastu stated, yelling. Everyone turns to look at him and he is flushed and embarrassed. "You just blew it about your secret crush flame brain," I say while walking out of the guild.


Oh no!

Why did I yell that?! Now everybody knows I have a crush on Lucy.

To try to calm down I run back home, closely followed by Happy. "You liiikkkkeeeee her," he purrs, sniggering. I ignore him and continue my journey home. Then I realised that Lucy probably doesn't know that I love her yet so I head to hers instead.

When I get there she's in bath so I sit down on the couch, quietly waiting. When she comes in and is dressed she makes us some tea. " everything okay? It's just you came in through the door and not the window and you didn't raid my fridge you just sat there..." She asks me looking seriously worried and innocent. "Yeah I'm fine," I crack a smile and that seems to satisfy her.

She comes back with tea and sits down next to me, watching me intently. I decided that this was it, I was going to ask her. " I have needed to tell you this for a while" I was cut off by Levy bursting in the room "LUCY I HAVE SOMETHING AMAZING TO TELL YOU!" Levy yells. Then she sees me and just says "oh..."

I tell Lucy its fine and that I'll wait outside. I tried listening in but remembered that the doors are sound proof. The door opens again and Levy leaves, I look at Lucy and see that her cheeks are bright red. I go back into her room and sit down again. She shuts the door and I hear her take a deep breath. "Lucy I like you......more than a friend," I tell her but then she just says "I know Levy told me," I realised that she didn't feel the same so I turned to leave muttering "sorry."

Before I can go, Lucy grabs me by the arm, turns me around and says "I do feel the same," before kissing me quickly. I smile and kiss her again, wrapping my arms around her waist.


After Levy told me what Natsu had said in the guild I decided that it was about time I confessed my feelings to him. He comes back in after Levy leaves and tells me he loves me. He turns to leave but I stop him and finally admit that I love him to. Then I kiss him.


After I left the guild I went to Juvia's house. I didn't care that I didn't have a plan of where to go for our date because I knew she would be happy with just being with me. I knocked on her door and it flung open. I was greeted with a massive bear hug from Juvia, "Gray-sama you're back!" She smiles at me. I smile back and give her a peck on the lips. "Juvia would you like to go out for dinner with me tonight?" I ask her knowing that she won't decline. "Of course," she gleefully replies.

Later that evening...

I had on a suit and tie, and was holding a bouquet of roses for Juvia. I knocked on her door and she opened it wearing a blue knee-length satin dress. She looked beautiful. I gave her the roses complimented with a kiss on the cheek.


Gray knocked on my door and I opened it, he game me a bunch of roses and a kiss on the cheek. I smiled as I put the flowers into a vase and then accompanied Gray to a fancy restaurant.

After we had finished eating, we paid the bill and went to sit outside for a bit. We were laid on the grass looking at the stars when Gray grabbed my hand and said "I love you Juvia," I felt my heart beat faster as we got up and kissed under the moonlight.

In the morning...

I woke up to the bright light of the sun blaring through the window. I must have forgotten to shut the curtains that night. I laid back down and turned over to see two eyes looking at me from under the covers. "What the heck," I say as I pull down the covers and realise it's Gray. "Good morning to you to," he says, chuckling. I laugh and then realise that we're both not wearing anything.

Uh oh

I suddenly remember that after we went home last night, we slept together...... And didn't use precautions.

More coming soon.

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