Chapter 9

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"She's out." I said alarmed.
"She's losing a lot of blood." Hawk said, he was basically the medic.
"Brawl, your gonna have to let her go." Hawk said his face in a grim line.
"What?!" I exclaimed, she can't die from cutting a vein. Can she?
"Jesus Christ Brawl! That's not what I meant." He said and I slowly got up. Hawk stepped in front of me and wrapped her hand with goss. Then with medical tape.
I'm so sorry Astrid .

Scrapper's Pov;

I woke up in a hospital bed unable to move my left hand. I looked over at it and it was wrapped in a big bandage. I looked to the right to see Ben sleeping in a chair. I felt a wave of relief flood over me. I sat up and realized I was still in my clothes. I let out a sigh of relief. "Baby?" A husky raspy voice said and I turned to see Ben waking up. I felt like too much effort to talk.
"Um hm." I mumbled our eyes locking. He got out of the chair and knelt beside the bed and cupped my cheek with his hand, his brown eyes flooded into mine.
"I'm so sorry." He said pecking my lips, I didn't have enough time to kiss him back. He pulled away too fast. I smiled sleepily at him. I was so tired. I moved my left arm so I could see my hand. It had a bandage covering any signs of stitches.
"Your tired aren't you." He chuckled his hand still on my cheek. I shook my head, and yawned. I couldn't feel my left hand but I was able to move the rest of my body.
"Your such a bad liar." He chuckled streaking my cheek as I closed my heavy eye lids. I slipped slowly into sleep as Ben stroked my cheek.

I woke up in our cabin with Bens arms wrapped around me, avoiding hurting my left hand. I was was now wearing a pair of guys sweatpants and a guys tank top. Oh shit. That means that someone saw me in my underwear. I shuffled slightly and stretched. Ben shifted beside me.
"Sorry." I whispered softly knowing I woke him up.
"It's fine." He chuckled and I realized he was wasn't wearing a shirt. He laid on his back and I draped my left leg over him. Then I had my hurt hand on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and placed it right above my ass.
His eyes met mine and then his lips crashed into mine. The kiss was deep and passionate. It lasted awhile before I leaned on my hand wrong and I winced. Ben pulled away looking alarmed.

"Oh my god are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked panicking his eyes wide.

"Calm down, I'm fine." I chuckled rolling my eyes. I nestled my head back into his chest. He chuckled softly and played with my hair. I'm not sure what day it was.

"What day is it?" I said playing with his dog tag.

"I think it's Friday." He said his voice deeper and raspier than usual.

"Okay." I whispered my eye lids felt heavy and I drifted back to sleep.

"Tank! Put it back!" I heard Ben whisper yell. He was no longer beside me.

"Brawl she's not going to wake up anytime soon." I heard Tank laugh, not bothering to lower his voice. I don't blame him, I'm a sound sleeper.

"It doesn't matter! Put her phone back!" Brawl hissed. Yes I snuck my phone in.

"Don't you want to see if she talks about you to her friends?" Tank said, then there was a long silence.

"Look dude she doesn't even have a password." I heard Tank say, then I heard my phone unlock.

"Woah." Tank said quietly.

"What?" I heard Ben say.

"She does talk about you." Tank said, oh shit! Tank can't read that! I pretended to wake up.

"Morni-" I stopped looking at Ben holding my phone.

"What are you doing!" I said jumping up ripping my phone away from him. He just smirked at me.

"I can't believe you went through my bag!" I said realizing that I shouldn't have waiting so long to 'wake up.'

"What's wrong?" Ben chuckled, I looked at Tank and he looked scared.

"I'm gonna go." He said walking out of the cabin. Now it was just me and Ben.

"What the fuck?" I said crossing my arms.

"What?" He laughed his dark eyes meeting mine.

"Why would you go through my stuff?" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"Because I wanted to know how you really felt about me." He said as he stepped closer.

"I told you, I loved you." I said still pissed. He shrugged.

"Do you not trust me?" I said chucking my phone on my bed.

"Of course I trust you, baby." He said stepping closer.

"Then why-" He cut me off my gripping my face, slamming his lips into mine. I kissed his back. Things soon got heated. He pressed me against the wall.

"Jump." He said breathlessly. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He connected our lips again our tongues danced through our mouths. His hands gripped my thighs, my hands tangled through his hair. He moved us away from the wall and laid me down on his bed. He laid his self over me hovering. He moulded our lips together. His hands traveled up my body, my hands wrapped around his neck and moved to hair. He pulled away and pulled off his shirt revealing his abs and v line. I bit my lip as he kissed me again. This time his lips moved down to my neck. Leaving love bites down my neck he stopped. He sucked softy on one spot, my sweet spot. I moaned gripping his hair harshly. He smirked and continued sucking my sweet spot.

"Ben." I moaned.

"Um hm?" He mumbled against my skin.

"Don't you think this is too early?" I said, practically moaning.

"Its your choice, baby, I'll stop when you tell me." He said his hot breath on my neck.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! So do y'all think Ben and Astrid should take it to the next level or take it slow?

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