Chapter 12

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Brawl's POV;

I felt frozen. Shooter was making out with my girlfriend.

"She jumped on me man!" Shooter said putting his hands up in defence.

"What?!" She exclaimed her murky eyes metting mine.

"Astrid is that true?" I asked hoping it was a no, what does it matter? I caught them kissing.

"Ben, I would never cheat on you." She said looking nervous.

"I don't know who to believe." I said my eyes metting Shooters. I knew Shooter forever I trusted him.

Scrapper POV;

No. No. No. This can't be happening. I quickly ran to the bathroom holding back tears. I locked the door and went to bathroom. Blood. Wait what?! I quickly reach for another test and took it. Negative. I quickly grabbed another one and tried it again. Negative. Oh my god. The first test was wrong. I'm not pregnant. I don't think that I have ever been happier to see blood. I quickly threw away the tests and did my thing and walked out.

"Astrid, Shooter told me what happened." I sighed in relief maybe he wasn't suck a asshole in the first place.

"I can't believe you." He said clenching his jaw, wait what?!

"Ben-" I started.

"No Astrid! I'm done with this bullshit! If you weren't pregnant I would leave you." He yelled making me pissed.

"Well news flash pretty boy! I'm not! So you can take your rich ass back to Hollywood!" I yelled not knowing what I'm saying.

"Good! I never loved you anyway!" He yelled and my heart sank.

"Astrid, I didn't mean-" He started.

"No Ben! You did mean it or you wouldn't say it!" I yelled then I realized Shooter was gone. I pushed past Ben. As soon as I was out the door I booked it the creek. Well it was more like a river. I sat on the bank and cried. I cried like a little baby. Well that was till I heard someone tell my name.

"Scrapper!" A small watered down voice said I looked up to see glimpse of Pebbles light brown hair, in the harsh water. Before I could think I was driving into the icy water. I grabbed a hold of his sweater and pulled him ashore sending me back into the water. I tried to swim but I couldn't. I was doing to die. And for a good damn reason, to save Pebble. Not that anyone would care. I know the generals wouldn't care. They treated death like it was nothing. The way he said my family was dead like he was saying he quit his job. Now I had no family left to care. I knew Ben didn't care anymore, well maybe he didn't in the first place. Who could love a scared little girl that lost her parents? Shooter sure as hell won't. All he wanted me for was my body. I hated it. I hated it here. If I never came here I would be dead already, or better yet at home with my brother and dad. Why did I fight with them? I spent my last moments with my brother, fighting. I wish I was on the plane. I wish I didn't die this way. My lungs filled with water. I felt like I was being squished. I couldn't breathe. It was my fault my brother and dad died. I deserve this. I deserve to die. I deserve to suffer. Now the water felt like nothing. I stopped trying. I stopped fighting. The gilt burning in me. It was my fault. It was my fault Ben left me. Then it all stopped.

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