Back to LA

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Jess P.O.V

Tyrone went out with his girlfriend but I have been feeling really sick these days and I'm still trying to find a way to get to Kyle I really need him right I always cry myself to sleep just because I need him next to me and crystal she must be missing me ..... My Baby she needs a mum in her life not her dad . Her dad needs help not me He DOES!!

I got dressed and I was wearing a baseball crop top and some black skinny jeans and I put on some combat boots and I headed to Chris house to go and see crystal after all these months.I called a cab and made it to Chris's house and knocked on the door and it took him five bloody minutes for him to open the door and finally he opened it and there was a baby standing next to him but it wasn't crystal it looked like cassie baby

Chris: What do u want?

Jess: like I said yesterday over the phone I want to see crystal

Chris: well she's not here me and cassie swaped babies for a week so come back another time

Jess: What the heck! U can't be giving my baby to that dirt bag she's not right

Chris: that's what u think

Jess: No! That's what I know

Chris: can u just leave your so annoying

Jess: whatever Chris

Chris: wait? Are u pregnant?

Jess: why would u ask that?

Chris: because when u were pregnant with crystal you always looked pale

Jess: ummm ...

I really had nothing to say because if chris found out I was pregnant he would be upset but I really wanted my second baby to be with Kyle not with Tyrone :(

Chris: well are u?

Jess: Chris I'm sorry but I really don't know but u wouldn't be upset because were not together anymore

Chris: who said I would be upset I was just asking a question

Jess: Well...uhhhh... I'm Gonna go now I might see crystal next week

Chris: bye

Jess: Yh .. Ummm ... Bye

He closed the door and I made my way back to Tyrone's house and just sat on the laptop but I decided to go on Facebook since I haven't been on it forever I logged on and I saw a bunch of messages from Kyle and I replied to them all and once I got to his profile his status said

" Yay! My babys pregnant can't wait to be a dad soon"

I was so heart broken

I just wrote back congratulations and I waited to see if he would say something back but he didn't and he was logged on but whatever he might be happy to know that I'm okay or even shocked

The front door slammed and I heard a girl laughing and I knew it was Tyrone's girlfriend Tiffany I just sat on the couch with the laptop next to me and they both stared at me and I just smiled

Tiffany: hey Jess you still here

Jess: uhhh yhh

Tiffany: when are you leaving?

Jess: Maybe tommorow

Tyrone: Really??

Jess: yes Tyrone I can get on with my own life

Tyrone: Yh I know

Jess: good

Tiffany: oh sorry babe I need to go my boss wants me in

Tyrone: oh okay bye

He gave a peck and then followed her to the door and then she was gone

I turned back to the laptop and he still didn't reply and then Tyrone sat next to me wanting to say something

Tyrone: Jess I don't want you to say anything to Tiffany about what happened and if you are pregnant with my baby I'm sorry I didn't mean for it

Jess: I forgive you Tyrone but I will never forget and now I'm stuck carrying your baby

Tyrone: I'm sorry

Jess: I heard you the first time

Tyrone: Are u actually leaving tommorow?

Jess: yh I got to

Tyrone: what about my baby?

He sounded upset but what had to be done had to be done

Jess: I don't want to ruin your relationship with Tiffany so maybe wen I give birth you can come a visit

Tyrone: ok

I went to go and pack so I am ready to go back to LA because I was back in miami

My flight was in the morning so I had to get an early night so that I can rest more when I get there

Kyle P.O.V

I was shocked when Jess said congratulations because now I know she is safe and sound but if she comes back and finds out I got Yila Pregnant she would be heart broken but I didn't reply to Jess's message because I really didn't know what to say and I went on Jess profile and saw her status and it said

" coming back to LA tomorrow first thing in the morning :)"

I was happy and scared at the same time

Yila came in with some take away

Kyle: hey babe you came quick

Yila: yh it wasn't that long but anyway what have been doing ?

Kyle: umm you remember Jess right?

Yila: yh the ugly girl right?

Kyle: umm ... Okay? But anyway I found out she's okay and she should be back tomorrow

Yila: Erggh

Next day in LA

Jess P.O.V

Yay! I Finally made it to LA but first Thing I need to See is Kyle

I made my way to his house and I knocked on the door and the person I didn't want to see right now was .....


Jess: is Kyle in ?

Yila: bye hoe he don't want u he hates ur guts

She slammed the door in my face and then I just made my way to the hotel

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See ya tomorrow maybe xx

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