April 9 2K16

11 2 1

So I'm sitting in a giant box right now skyping two friends who really need therapy. Lol jk. I'm realllll bored tho. I just brought a pillow and my phone in a giant box and also yesterday I almost broke my neck by rolling down the stairs in it. That was gr8.

Now in out for lunch. Ew, society. I'm literally so fuquing bored tho like wtf. Eh. Life.

I need advice. My friend Regan needs a nickname and I can't think of one. Comment ideas with these aspects.
-an animal (mine is Baby Owl and my other friends is Spidey Webb so something of that sort.)
-Regan Moody is her name so maybe some kind of pun (Spidey Webb is Gia Webb)
- thats it tho.

Okay so now I'm home again and I literally just got yelled at for falling down the stairs like wtf.

Eh bai. I'm fuquing sick of life now.

SameWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt