Back and forth

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The vampire looked at me.

Inhaling deeply .

He pushed me again the tree he rubbed his fangs against my neck sinking them deeply in my throat .

I screamed .

He pulled back my blood on his mouth I closed my eyes .

When I opened them he was gone .

Strange I thought seeing kyle .

''What what happened ''I said .

''I told you ''he said .

''What'' I asked .

''To stay with someone'' he said ''the vampires are hunting you down your scent is very sweet'' he said inhaling my scent on my throat .

''I'm sorry ''I mumbled .

He pressed his lips on my throat .

I stood there still not moving I wanted to I felt his fangs against my throat .

He sunk his fangs in my throat .

The pain was unbearable .

He looked up at me kissing where he had sunk his fangs .

I looked at him running away he reached me with his speed .

''I took the venom out of you ''he said'' I can't let them hurt you .

I looked at him'' but still three bites equal vampire'' I said.

He looked at me'' I know ''he said ''but the venom was making you feel pain'' he said .

I nodded not finding any words to say .

He picked up my hands .

''The waves'' he said'' are made with these'' he lifted my hands up .

I nodded .

He smiled'' they are so small ''he said putting his hands on mine showing how much bigger they were .

I smiled stopping my smile .

''What'' he asked .

''My mother'' I said .

''Why is that so bad ''he asked .

''I need you to do something for me ''I said .

''Anything'' he said .

''I want I you to turn me into a vampire ''I said .

He looked at me'' why'' he asked .

''I need to see the goddess of the afterlife'' I said'' I can reverse the change afterwards ''.

He looked at me'' I could kill you ''he said .

''I trust you as my friend ''I said .

He bit me sinking his fangs deep .

''OK Kyle'' I said holding back my scream .

He held my throat pushing it towards his fangs keeping them in me deeper and deeper the closer he pulled me towards him .

''Kyle'' I said feeling my breath decreasing .

He held it closer until I felt my very last drop of blood vanish from my body .

I seen clouds then the goddess .

''Why did you do that my child ''she asked me .

''I needed to see you'' I said .

''I can see you threw the waves'' she said .

I looked at her ''how long ''I asked .

''You have an hour ''she said'' the change is not reversible ''she said .

''No no no ''I said .

''Your mate ''she said .

''What ''I asked .

''You as a Luna imprinted on another'' she said .

''What'' I asked .

''Kyle ''she said'' and Nathan you imprinted on both ''.

''What ''I asked again still confused .

''Time is up my child'' she said .

''Wait ''I said'' how do I get my mother to understand'' I said .

''The ocean club is a great place ''she said .

Then it went black .

I felt my body cold.

I opened my eyes .

Kyle looked at me smiling .

I sat up looking at my skin white .

''What have I done ''I said .

His smile faded ''what do you mean'' he asked me pinning me down .

''A lot'' I said .

''Name one'' he said .

''Nathan'' I said'' the change you know ''.

He nodded .

I looked beside me the sand soft and white .

''And ''he asked .

''Imprinting'' I said ''you ''.

He looked at me ''you have a mate ''he said ''not me ''.

''I know ''I said ''but she told me I imprinted on you  ''.

He looked at me kissing me ''she knows to much ''he said .

Î looked at myself going to the waves and i changed back wait she told me it wouldn't work I am so confused right now maybe she said something different .

I looked back but kyle was gone .

I sighed walking back to the pack house .

I knew Nathan would be so mad at me by .

I still wondered what she meant when she said the ocean club is a great place.

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