My true mate is still well him

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Me and Rachel walked into the mall seeing the alpha and his friends .

''Sophi''said Justin .

I walked over to him sitting by him .

''What's up ''I asked him smiling .

''You know the ball''he said .

''Are you asking me to the ball ''I asked him smiling .

''No''said Nathan .

I glared at him .

''No one asked you ''I said .

''No one cares ''he said .

''But you''i said getting up .

''Don't go '' said Justin .

''I'm not really in the mood ''I said not leaving my eyes away from the alphas face .

''She will be later ''he said .

I stopped and looked at him .

''Mate?''I whispered .

He watched me then when Justin looked away he nodded .

''Did you like my story''he asked me getting up and standing by me .

''Story?'' I asked .

''I heard you liked your dream so don't do what you did and we can get along ''he said .

''So that was real'' I asked .

''If you would have hid it from me then yes most of it ''he said .

''Thanks for the heads up ''I said .

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