
46 3 4

Alex's Point Of View:

“So how’ve you been?” Ryan asked, taking a seat on the rocks at the side of the cliff, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up after him.

“Do you really have to ask?” I sighed, pulling my knees up to my chest, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest. My head leant against his chest and I could hear his heartbeat, it was comforting.

“I’m moving out and getting a job as soon as I turn 16 though” I told him, I’d never mentioned this plan to him before and he moved my head away from him so he could see my face.

“What about College?” he asked confused.

“Me? College?” I scoffed “You must be joking!” I laughed more gesturing to myself up and down.

“why wouldn’t they take you? Don’t you want to prove to your Mum that you’re not ‘useless’ and whatever else she calls you?” he asked.

“All I want is that woman out of my life, happiness will follow, but not if I go to college, it’s not me, I’m barely staying in high school!” I pointed out.

“Yes but you hardly have the best home situation do you” he added. I laid back on the rock shaking my head.

“That’s what my guidance councillor told me, you’re starting to sound like the teachers now!”  

“Well I’m trying to help you before I go away at the end of the summer, you know I won’t be around much with collage”

I hopped down from my seat on the rock and ran down to the sea which was fast approaching high tide at this time.

“I just want to be free forever!” I shouted, kicking off my hightops and running straight into an incoming wave.

I laughed as I walked in further letting the waves soak my jeans right up my thighs before I stopped moving and shut my eyes.

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and I relaxed into his side.

“Well you deserve it with all the shit you’ve been through, but life just doesn’t work that way unfortunately” he sighed, I frowned knowing he was right.

But I would be free. Whether it took me till I was 16 or forever, I’d be free of the stress and complications of life and in my own world off happiness. And who knows, maybe Ryan will be with me, I know I want him to be.


The next morning I woke up to 7 texts and 4 missed calls from Ryan. I flipped onto my stomach and rang him back. He answered almost immediately.

“Get your butt out of bed now miss!” he shouted at me. I rolled onto my back confused.

“Ry, it’s only 8:30! Why on earth do you need me up?” I asked.

“Because I have a plan and this plan needs to be carried out at 9 in the morning so get your arse moving” he demanded.

“You know sometimes you sound more childish than me” I pointed out.

“No I don’t! Now get moving or I’m climbing through your window!” he laughed.

I shook my head knowing he would. A few weeks after we’d first met he used to come around to my house at night and help me sleep, I couldn’t sleep without him there, the nightmares we’re too horrifying, and god knows what my mother would have said if I told her I was having nightmares, and what they we’re about.

I shoved some jeans on, my high tops and a hoodie over my plain t-shirt.

I skipped down to the front door without worry, my mum was usually sleeping off her hangover at this time, ready for work, so she could go get money and then come back and get pissed again.

I ran down the path from my house to the gate and saw Ryan pacing back and forth infront of it.

“Why are you pacing?” I tried to hold in my laugh at him.

“Thank god your here, we’re going to be late!”

“For what?” I asked, we hadn’t made plans today.

“I got you a job interview” he beamed.

“You did WHAT!” I shouted.


Ok guys so hey again, i'm just testing the waters with this story, if i'm not getting any comments by chapter 5 i'll probably stop posting, this chapter was mostly just to give you an idea of how Ryan and Alex act around each other so you can see how Alex changes. I'll post again soon :)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2014 ⏰

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