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So I had the idea for this when I was on holiday, ironically in Cornwall, and the characters of Ryan and Alex came into my mind whilst I sat on the beach, in a cove as described in this. I love the relationship between the two characters, and the idea of the forbidden love. I didn’t want this to be a typical story of how it’s all sweet they both like each other, end up together, grow up, get married, have kids, the whole point of this is that as nice as the perfect love story is it’s just not real, and most people don’t get their happily ever after. I know this is only short but I will try write some more soon so you can start getting a feel for the story. So I hope you enjoy it and if you do comment and let me know, if you have any ideas for anything to do with the story let me know and it may help with writing it and comment me any criticism because my work can always be improved. :)


Alex's Point Of View:

My fingers darted quickly, without thought, across the keypad of my phone. The words appearing on the screen almost as soon as I thought them. I pressed the send button and watched as the envelope flew across the screen to tell me it had sent. I placed in back in my pocket only to pull it back out again almost instantly to read the reply.

“Half an hour I have stuff to sort out  R x” my screen read I glanced to the clock and decided I could wait another half hour. I typed my reply and sent it before tossing my phone down and laying back on my bed in silence.  My phone beeped again 5 minutes later, I opened it and laughed aloud at the text.

“Ah screw it, meet me bus stop 5 minutes  R x”

I giddily jumped up from my bed and crept down the stairs so as not to alert my mother to my escape. I failed.

“What are you doing Alexandria?” She asks, her body leaning against the door the wine bottle glinting in the sunlight, barely half full.

“To meet Ryan” I said honestly knowing whether I lied or not she wouldn’t let me and I’d go anyway.

“What gives you the right, to try and sneak around and lie to me! Your just like your father! ‘Going to meet Ryan’ my arse, I know what you do with that hooligan you dirty slag, you are no daughter of mine!” she screams, throwing the wine bottle, presumably towards my head but missing and landing a few steps down from me smashed, creating a waterfall of alcohol and broken glass down the wood furnished steps.

She gets like this, my mother, when she’s drunk, and when she’s not, I presume it’s because my dad left her because of me. She doesn’t like me existing.

“Bye mother” I laughed, jumping over the shattered bottle and pool of red wine and running straight out the door and down the road, my black hair flying out behind me, the sea air blowing in my face as I ran across the front, avoiding the few tourists that visited the miniscule area of Alemouth Cove, Cornwall.

I came to a stop at the bus stop where a figure stood, back to me, dressed in all black, hood up, despite the glaring heat. I smiled, that was typical Ryan.

“Ryan!” I squealed closing the rest of the gap between us. His figure turned around and my eyes looked into his electric blue ones, half covered by the black curtain of hair that hung limply.

“Don’t you dare leave me and bugger of on holiday again you bitch! I’ve had shit all fun whilst you’ve been gone!” I slapped his arm jokily and smirked.

“Hey, not my fault, my parent’s didn’t tell me because they knew I wouldn’t want to go and leave you” he pointed out.

“Too damn right!” I winked at him playfully, earning a nod of agreement from him.

As we wondered down the grass banks towards the beach we earned alot of glares. From old people thinking we we’re up to no goods because we had our hoods up. From the tourists here for the surf and music festival this week in the town further up. But mainly from girls, directed at me, wondering why someone like me was hanging around with someone like Ryan, wondering why an 18 year old would hang around with a 14 year old.

We’ve been best friends since I was 11, Ryan and I. I was starting to realise that my mother shouldn’t be hitting me, acting like she did towards me so I’d started to act out, the result of this being meeting Ryan, in an alleyway at 3am. I couldn’t help but laugh at the memory.

I was freezing. I recalled. I’d been hanging around with a group of kids I’d met at the beach, much older than me, I wasn’t even enjoying it, it was just a way to get away from my mum.

“So Alex” one of the girls, Emily, smirked “I think since your hanging around with us now, you should prove your loyalty” her words we’re slurred, they’d all been drinking, I’d managed to avoid drinking barely any, it tasted vile to me and I had absolutely no recollection of why they would drink it by choice.

The others had looked round to her and me, nodding in agreement as they waited for a suggestion of what it would be.

“I think she should give us something, something irreplaceable” one boy, Steven, had suggested, the others looked around knowing what he meant. I was completely innocent and confused. Turns out that alcohol played a big part in what happened that night, if he hadn’t have been drunk; the events of that night would have played out entirely differently. I inadvertently shivered at the thought.

Ryan and I slowly made our way down the damp rocks that lead to a secluded part of the beach used by surfers most days, never by tourists, it was too hidden away, the secret treasure of Alemouth cove some locals called it. I never had understood why it was known as a treasure until Ryan had made me see the true beauty of it.

The waves rolled gently over the untarnished golden sand. Seaweed did not clutter the cove but surrounded it near the cliff sides. Smooth pebbles were at the shallows of the water, prefect for skipping, but nowhere else. The jagged cliffs that surrounded it were filled with sparkling sea glass which sparkled in the sunlight like the brightest diamond making the whole place feel absolutely magical.

Lucky Star (ON HOLD INDEFINITELY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon