Chapter 1: Going Away

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I am so exited. Of course I will miss my family, but it will only be 4 years. I will see them every month or two. I can't wait to have a roommate! She/he will be my very own person diary.

*The next day*

I woke up and got in the shower. Today is the day. I got dressed and ran down stairs
"Hi, sweetie." My mom said.
"Good morning." I replied to my mom.
"Today is the day you run off and leave me for 4 years!!" My mom complained.
"Mom..." I rolled my eyes.
"What? You are leaving."
"I know but I will see you like every month!" I added.
"Ok, eat your breakfast. Then finish packing. You have to leave soon."
"Ok mom." I smirked and ate.

*I finished eating.*

I went to my room and finished up packing. I piled the suit cases in my car as I packed and packed. It was now time to say goodbye.

"Mom I leave in 10 minutes!"
"Ok. Say goodbye to your sister too."
"Emily! Come here!"
"It's time for me to go!!"

Tears were falling down our faces. I was in a hurry though. I had no time to cry.

"I love you both!! I will see you soon." I yelled out at them as I got into my car.
"We love you too, Isabella! Be safe. Call me as soon as you get there!!"
"Ok mom. Bye guys." Another tear I shred.
"Goodbye." She said falling to her knees and balling. I could not take it. I jumped out of the car to give her a hug and kiss.
"I love you."
She smiled after those words were said.
"I love you too." She replied to me sadly. I made my way back out to the car. I gripped the steering wheel tightly, put it in reverse, and pressed the gas pedal. Off to RealTree University I go!!!

Well? How did you like the first part?? I know it wasn't that long but there is a whole lot more I have to write.💖


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