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It all started with Brynn wondering Why the hell are we going to that place again? And then actually saying it to her mother.
"Language Brynn." Her mother scolded, causing an eye roll from Brynn. "But we aren't even religious. In my vocabulary hell is only a bad word for religious people." This caused a playful slap on Brunns shoulder as her mother said, "Whatever. But we are going on the Saturday summer break starts. Four days Brynn. Now get ready for school."

Brynn muttered, "fuck" under her breath, and sulked up her stairs in her silk bunny pajamas.

Her mother had just informed Brynn that they would be going to their Beach house in a small town of California, San Aqua , for the whole summer prior to her senior year. The beach house that qualified as a mansion, and had even been on the TV show "house hunters" had been empty for the past year after last summer. Her mother had given Brynn zero warning of their trip. Even though they went every summer, she had been hoping that, after the disaster of last summer, she would be spending her summer in the heat of uptown New York where she lived year round. With her friends that didn't hate her, like the ones in San Aqua.

Brynn shook her blonde head, trying to get the dirty memories of last summer out of her head as she walked up her huge marble stairs that led to her room, or as she liked to call it, Tower of all that is Brynn, because her room was a huge tower on the left side of the house.

She sighed and went to her sink. Brushing her pristine white teeth and washing her pale face. Then, she slipped into her massive closet and put on her normal wednsday clothes. A dark red high wasted skirt, a Brandy Melville black crop top, and black wedges. She had a color schedule for each day.

Than she walked to her vanity and did her winged eyeliner, mascara, blush, and was wondering if she should wear red lipstick or purplish red, when her friend that thought they were best friends called Brynn on her black I phone. Brynn sighed and picked up.

"Hello Jordyn." Brynn said as Jordyn's face, clad in bright pink lipstick and contour powder that wasn't quite blended, popped up on screen. "BB!" BB was a nickname Jordyn had made up for Brynn, after she had quickly shut down on the idea of brynnie boo, which was a name only one person, who currently hated her, could call her.

"Jordyn! You know I hate that!"
"Sorry Brynn." Jordyn said as she smirked her bubble gum pink lips and winked her blue eyes. The two girls looked a lot a like, apart from the fact that Jordyn was peppy and pink while Brynn was dark, twisty, and black.

"Anyways, JJ, What color lipstick should I wear? They are both matte." Brynn spoke clearly while holding up the two colors.
"Show me your outfit so I can see which one would match."
Brynn nodded and strutted to her full length mirror, shoring Jordyn her out fit.
"Oh definitely the purple one."
"K thanks." Brynn said while applying the liquid lipstick. "Now what did you call for?"
Jordyn laughed, flicking her hair out of her face, "oh right! I wanted to ask whether my seventeenth birthday party on Saturday should be pink or pink blue themed?" Jordyn had one of those late summer birthdays, and was throwing a huge party the day after school ended for it. But there was a slight problem.

"Shit. Agh Jordyn I have bad news."
"Great what?" The girl in the other line asked sarcastically.
"My mom is making me go to San Aqua." Brynn blatantly stated.
"Wait... That's the place a little bit south of Malibu that you go to in the summer right?" Brynn nodded. "What's so bad about that then?"
Brynn looked into Jordyn's blue eyes and said sadly, "I'm leaving Saturday morning. I won't be able to attend..."

Jordyns happy expression fell. To cheer her up, Brynn added, "But, pink and purple would definitely be better!" Jordyn laughed, and then the tears started coming. Jordyn was somewhat of a crybaby.

Tears flowed down her face making lines through her makeup, as she waved her hands in front of her eyes to make sure her mascara didn't run. It was the most expensive and all purpose mascara made, so there was no chance of that, though Brynn didn't fancy telling her that. "This ruins everything!" Jordyn sobbed. "Now who's going to be the one who I dance with all night until I find someone more attractive?"

Brynn did not no if she should be insulted by that or not, if it was a mean comment Brynn could ruin Jordyn instantly. She was, what do you call it? The school it girl.

Brynn decided to take that as a best friend compliment, and answered, "Aw jor, it's okay. I give you my permission to replace me for the summer with that bitch Sophia that you like. But if I am fully replaced I will tell the world your secret." as Brynn was fixing her lipstick.

Brynn didn't really care, nor want, to go to her birthday. It was all the same, loud drunk teenagers acting stupid, everyone running off getting high or screwing each other (Brynn included.), and awful dancing. This was the one thing she would rather go to San Aqua for.

Oh as for Jordyn's secret, it was that she accidentally slept with Lukas while high, who was the geekiest and poorest kid at the school. Something frowned upon my the kids of North City Academy. So, Jordyn being the scared little girl she was nodded her head and choked out, "Okay. Trust me B you won't be replaced. No one here is half as pretty as you. Well except me but..."

Brynn laughed and exclaimed, "Thanks babe! But, wow look at the time! I best be going, see you at school!" And hung up on Jordyn mid sentence as she yelled, "But it's only 7:30 school doesn't start for another ho-" and Brynn let out an exasperated sigh and mumbled, "God that whore is a train wreck." And walked down the steps.

Brynn yelled a simple goodbye to her mother, and strutted into her black convertible. Brynn sung off key and happily to old Taylor Swift songs to Starbucks. Although she seemed heartless and bratty to most, inside she was actually nice and happy for what she had. Only two people on earth knew that.

"The best people in life are freeeeeee!" The blonde finished as she shut off her car and locked it. She walked into Starbucks and winked at the barista she saw every morning. "Hey Bryan."
"Sup Brynn." Brynn laughed and said, "Um... Venti mocha frappucino with and extra shot of espresso, and egg and bacon sandwich." Bryan nodded and question, "Non fat right?" And winked.

It was there thing. They both pretended she was getting non fat for all the skinny bitches in school, while really it was all the calories and all the fun. Brynn giggled and nodded, swiping her gold card in the machine. "Thanks Bry'" she call out to him. "See you tomorrow brynnie." Brynn laughed as she sat at her normal window seat and waited for her name to be called.

She had just finished eating her sandwich, and was walking out if the establishment with her drink, as the one person she did not want to see was getting out of his familiar Mercedes. She tried to hide her face and walk away, if it weren't someone who knew her so well.

"Brynn baby! Longtime no see!" Brynn gave him a tight lipped smile, "Hey dad." as she was brought into an uncomfortable embrace. Physical contact was not a thing that happened a lot in Brynns life. Once her dad had pulled away he said, "Your brothers miss you! You know I'm still hurt you chose your mom in the divorce!" Brynn shook her head, "Dad, I didn't choose mom, you were a raging alcoholic and couldn't care for me. And, they aren't my freaking brothers! They are your third wife's children!"

Her father looked angry so Brynn decided to make a quick getaway before the abusive father she had when she was twelve came back at her. She quickly said, "Sorry to cut this short, but I have geology group at 8:00 and really must be going." Her father shook off his dark expression to the smile he always had on TV, for the public, he had always said to her. "Ok. By honey."

Brynn just nodded get blonde curls and walked to get car. Trying to shake the flashbacks out if her head.

A/N welcome to the first chapter of clean! I am making this a summer story that is loosely based off the book second chance summer. If you have read that, it's so good right? Anyways comment your thoughts and opinions on this!

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