Just Like That

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I love all my fans(if I get any haha) so thanks in advanced :D

Chapter one

We were sitting in the basement of Jill's six bedroom, four bathroom house.  Buried under blankets and pillows.  It was late November in up state New York, so warmth was usually hard to come by.

"Brynn, don't let him tell you that. You know that he's not gonna stop drinking," Jill, my best friend, told me, she sat next to me on her basement floor, our backs leaning up against her black leather couch. She reached over my stomach to grab the chips that sat next to me.

"I know, I know, but he said that he's just hanging out with Ryan and Tyler, and those guys. It's not a big deal." I lied, because it was a big deal, I hated the fact that he stayed out on the weekend and drank. Not that my opinion mattered to him much though, when ever I would try to bring it up he would change the subject as fast as he could.

He's not an alcoholic or anything, he's just one of those guys that likes to party on the weekends.

"But that's just it, it does bother you. You know it, I know it, and Chase sure as hell knows it. But he doesn't care, he's still going to do it," Jill said bluntly, popping a Swedish fish into her perfectly pink pouty lips.

That's one of Jill's traits that made us best friends so easily. She says what's on her mind, she tells it like it is. There's no beating around the bush with her.

"Okayy, so what am I supposed to do about it..."

Before I could even finish my sentence, Jill interrupted me, "No, we're not going to talk about this again. You know what you need to do, but you're too afraid," she said, knowing that she was right.

"Yeah, cause I'm not going to break up with him after over a year just for him drinking," I told her, as I pulled my long dirty blond hair back into a high bun. "Plus, I drink too so I can't break up with him for something we both do,"

"Okay, so what if we drink, he does it every weekend, we don't, there's a difference,"

"Just because you had sex once dooesn't mean that you have to be with him forever," Jill remarked, rolling her deep Sapphire eyes.

Jill just got blessed with all the pretty genes. Her with her slightly red hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and slender body. I, on the other hand, ended up with the athletic body and average straight blond brown hair and green eyes.

"I know okay, Jill, I just, I don't know. I just love him is all," I told her, a lovestruck smile started to creep across my face. I didn't even mean for it to happen, I couldn't help but to smile when I thought of Chase.

Jill gave me a weird look for a minute. Then, she looked like she'd just been struck with answer to world peace. She smiled, wide eyed, and said, "Oh my gosh. You didn't just sleep with him that one time, did you?"

I glanced over at Jill, she slid a black basketball sweatshirt over her delicate arms. Jill's one of the few people that I know that can make a sweatshirt and yoga pants look high fashion. But that's just the way that Jill is, she's smart, pretty, and funny. She's always the one in the spotlight, always getting recognized.

I honestly don't mind being in her shadow, it just means I don't have to try as hard, some people might think that's a bad attitude, but that's how it's always been between Jill and I.

"Okay so what. It's not like we do it all the time," I told her blushing, thinking about all the wonderfull, untold times Chase and I have had.

"I can't believe that my best friend is a dirty ho," she said jokingly, nudging me with her shoulder. "Well, let's just hope that the other times went a little bit better than the first time," she said giggling to herself, even she knew how bad it was and she wasn't even there.

"Okay, okay. So our first time wasn't the best, but who cares. It's defiantly gotten better," I told her, with a mischievous grin.

"Ohh lalal, sounds like you actually got the big O this time," Jill commented sarcastically, she pushed her reddish blond hair away from her face.

"Well, obviously why else would I still be around," I joked, because no matter how much he seemed to annoy me I can always forgive him.

"Good, good, now we're really getting somewhere. You're only in it for the good sex. See I always knew that you had selfish motives, you little whore," she laughed, pulling the balnket farther up her body.

Jill has that kind of laugh that will make the whole room turn heads to see who has such a graceful voice.

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes I wondered if Jill really knew what love felt like. She said she did, she said she'd been in love before. She just didn't seem to understand what me and Chase had.

We sat in silence for a few minutes watching TV, which is what our usual Friday nights consisted of if I wasn't hanging out with Chase. We always watched Grey's Anatomy over and over again on netflix.

"Well, if he's anything like that in bed I don't blame you for staying for sex. Damn," Jill commented about Mark Sloan.

Just as she said that I felt a wave of pain rip through my lower stomach. "Ahh," I let out grabbing my stomach.

Jill locked over at me a little caught off guard, "Are you okay?" she asked worried putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I think so, I don't know what happened, I haven't been feeling that great all day, I trow up this morning, but I felt fine" I told her trying to shake it off, as if nothing had really happened.

"Are you sure, you look like you're still in pain," she said frantically. "Do you want Advil or something?" she asked starting to get up from the carpeted floor.

"I'm fine really," I tried to reassure her. "I think I'm just about to start my period, it should be coming soon, well it was supposed to come on Thursday, but I never know," I told her not thinking much of being a few days late.

"I'll just go grab you some Midol," She said, and left with out giving me time to object to her. She came back down stairs her perfectly wavy hair bounding as she walked, carrying a glass of water and a bottle of Midol.

I took two pills out and washed them down with water. The whole time I did that I could feel Jill looking at me. I looked over at her, her normally sparkling energetic eyes were dull and sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, it's pretty unusual to see Jill not her happy bubbly self.

"I don't, it's probably nothing, I was just thinking on my way upstairs..." she trailed off, unsure if she should continue.

"What? What were you thinking about, that's making you act all depressed," I asked her.

She hesitated before answering, she twirled her red locks between her fingers. "You're not..." she trailed off. "You're not pregnant, are you?" she asked lowering her voice as if someone around us might have been eavesdropping, even though there was no one else home.

"NO! I'm just a few days late, my periods never on time, you know that," I told her a little defensively, not meaning to, it just kind of come out that way.

"I know, but I don't know, I'm probably wrong but I was just wondering," she said defiantly not convinced.

"I'm not I promise," I told her, but after every second that passed by I started to doubt myself too. "I'm not, I mean I can't be that's impossible," It was then that I knew I wasn't going to be getting my period anytime soon. I knew that the pain I'd been feeling wasn't anything I'd ever felt before, I knew something was different.

Jill just looked at me extremely confused, all see could see was my expression changing. "OH my god," Those were the last words I managed to get out before breaking down in tears. Everything seemed like a blur.

I know I don't know for sure, but my mom always says that a women can just tell, and I could just tell. All I could think about was Chase, I knew he was going to be pissed, he gets mad when I do stupid things, and this is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done.

I felt Jill wrap her arms around me, she kept whispering something, but her voice was muffled by sobs. I knew nothing would ever be the same with anything ever again. Not with her, not with my family, and especially with Chase.

Everything changed. Just like that, irreversible.

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