Why Kyubey Now Asks For Your Gender When About To Form A Contract

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Pico: *Is walking by himself*

Kyubey: Hello, My name is Kyubey!

Pico:....? What... Are you...?

Kyubey: I form contact with girls so they become magical girls! They fight witches in exchange for one wish! Do you want contact?

Pico: Sure. I wish to have the cutest outfit ever~!

Kyubey: Okay *Forms Contact*

Both: *See he does not have a dress*

Kyubey: Um...?


Kyubey: Wait! You're not a...!

Pico: Oh yeah... I forgot to mention... I'm a boy...

Pico: A lot of people think I'm a girl, for some reason.

Pico: They start yelling,"IT'S A TRAP!" whenever they see me.

Kyubey: o.e THIS IS MY DESPAIR!!! ;-;

Sayaka: Now you know how it feels, little shit -.-

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