Trash Wars

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Brother: I wanna watch The Walking Dead! D:

Me: Just watch it! I barley'll even pay attention, anyway!

Brother: But the spoilers, through! Your only on season 4!

Me: Who the fuck cares?! -_-

Brother: I do! Besides, you wouldn't want me to see Madoka spoilers!

Me: And...?

Brother: Would you have wanted me to see Mami's death, find out about the soulgems, the incubators, Homura's wish, or the ending of Rebellion?

Me: Th-Thats different! Your trash for the Walking Dead! So... *picks up a trash can that happened to be in the room* Jump In! :D

Brother: But look at the shirt your wearing! *Points at my shirt that has Madoka and Homura on it* So... *points to the trash can* Hop in! >:D

Me: .... Fuck you.... -_-

This actually happened. And yes, I'm barely on season 3, when there are already 6 or 7 seasons out... -_-

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