Chapter 1

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I woke up around 7:30 in the morning. I groaned as I got out of my bed groggily out of my bed. After slipping out of my pajamas and went into the shower I put on some clothes. I put on a strapless pink shirt along some light blue short. I could not forget my keys.

I brushed my hair out and decided not to have a ponytail today. I fixed myself some food and ate it walking out the door. I headed to the guild and was hoping they finally stopped celebrating Lisanna's return. They've been celebrating for almost a year now! Like who celebrates something this long! (-_-')

The day Lisanna came back I was instanly dropped and forgotten by the team. So I just assumed I was kicked out. It's been lonely being on my own doing missions. I could remember Team Natsu do lots of missions. I kind of feel bad I used them so I could get rent money. But I alos don't feel bad because they offered me to join the team. So who was I to agrue.

The whole guild would start name calling me and do a little bit of hitting. Only when Macarov was not around. I learned a bit more magic than just celestial magic. I learned a bit of transformation magic. All I can do is transform into anyone and of they have any magic I have the ability to use the same power. I know weird right? But I do not like using it. I'd perfer to use my own magic, the magic I was born with. After trying to show off my powers people at the guild still call me name. They even call me copycat since I can mock anyone's powers.

I wonder what might happen today at the guild?

After hesitantly opening the guild doors I was met with some snickers and glares from the shady guild. Sometimes the looks people give me in here I feel like I walked into a dark guild. I ignored everyone and strutted my way over to the corner I've been habiting for the past few months. I secretly observe everyone in the guild thinking about how everyone has changed since Lisanna's return. After I heard someone clear their throat trying to get my attention. I looked up to be greeted by Team Natsu. Oh joy! Wonder if they are gonna beat up again. Yea, Team Natsu usally beats me up from time to time. The guild cheers them on so they get a rush from the attention they gain when damaging my soul beyond repair.

"Yes?" Asking with a bored tone clearly gaining a few glares from the team, including Lisanna.

"We-No. The whole guild has had enough of your useless precense. We all think you have been here to long. Am I right Fairy Tail?" Lisanna broadcasted loudly, earning a lot of agreements shouted or grunted through out the guild.

'Some Fucking Family'

"Get out of this guild now or else!" Gray threatened and Lisanna added on, "Blond Bimbo. You still there?"

"Or else what?" I glared and stood up. I felt the chair fly back and hit the wall only to break into millions of pieces.

"Quit being such a smart ass. Bitch." Erza muttered.

And next thing I knew was that my body was in pain. Many minutes passed and each minute a cut that will scar or bruises are made on my body. Then it was like a switch I instantly stood and looked up at the team. Then next thing I know I blacked out.

--Few Hours Later--

I woke up and looked at my surroundings wondering where I am. I see that I'm still in the guild but everyone was knocked out and it was so bloody. As if I cared. I got up brushed off my clothes and strutted out of the guild as everyone was waking up. One thing I wondered was what happened? Or what happened to my bruises and cuts? Then I felt a shock of pain pulse in my head and then I remembered everything that had happened while I blacked out.


I summoned two pistols in my hands and started shooting everyone. These weren't regualr bullets these bullets had my magical energy in them. Some people got passed my bullets and started hand to hand comabt. I clearly retaliated by fighting back. They fighting as if I were nothing but dirt on their shoes. After beating up everyone to a pulp I passed out.

Flashback Over...

How did I do that? Maybe a new form of magic? It wasn't like the normal guns magic it was different.

I was walking down the street to my house when I saw a poster for some kind of academy. Below the poster were some brochures for the school. I grabbed one and rushed back to my house before someone from the guild sees me out here.

--Lucy's House--

I read the brochure carefully. I was curiosu as to why this school looked so intriguing to me. 'For Meisters and Weapons'. After reading that sentence I beelined to my room and started packing. After packing I took a look at my house one last time. 'Maybe I could find some answers there...'

I made it to the train station. I feel I should really do this. After purchasing my ticket I made my way onto the train. I looked back at the place I called home.

"Goodbye Magnolia. Hello Death City." Saying quietly to my self as I relaxed a bit and went to sleep as the noisy train made its departure.

--Few Hours Later--

I got off the train and looked at the weird looking city. I pulled my luggage and I saw the huge school. Which seemed to be the only symmetrical thing in this whole city. As I made it to the front of the school. i looked up and saw all the stairs. Yay all these stairs (T-T) please help?

Please Vote, Comment, and/or share with others. I'm rewriting this book from the idea of Lovechurros! Please don't judge me on this book it's my first anime cross over book. Please give me constructive criticism, ABSOLUTLY NO HATE!!!!

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