"Its all my fault"

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It was Phils funeral and not many people came.
It was a rainy day, clouds filled the sky.
Dan remembered on days like these, him and Phil would cuddle up together and watched movies all day
It's all my fault  he thought.
It was time for the speeches and Dan decided he wanted to be last.
"Hi I'm Dan, and I was I guess... Phils  ex boyfriend. Phil was an amazing person. He was the sweetest and most caring person you would ever meet.
Why am I say was? He is the sweetest and most caring person you'll ever meet. I remember when I would get home from the store or small things like that he would tackle me with hugs when I came home. He was my best friend, nobody could replace him in my mind.
I miss him a lot. I remember when I would feel down, he would help me out with my problems. One time it was about 3:00 am and I guess he heard me shuffling around in my room, so he came in and layed down with me and made sure I was okay. I remember one time we came home from a long trip, and I went into my room and he came with me and we cuddled all day and didn't move at all. I'm really going to miss him. I shouldn't have left him, this is all my fault. I never really thought it would get this bad.
I'm so sorry,
The last thing he said to me was I love you, and I didn't say it back. So I'm saying it now.
I love you Phil and I never stopped loving you and never will."
By the time Dan was done, everyone was crying and tears were flooding down everyone's faces.
As Dan stood off the stool, people lifted Phils cascet and took him away,
Dan placed his hand on the coffin and closed his eyes

"I love you."

Dear Dan  [completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora