||Chapter Five||

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Chara knew it was time. She was just bidding some more, letting her magic build up for the right moment—and it was the perfect moment to show to Sans what she was really capable of now.

               Waiting was easy —all she had to was wait until the right human comes along for her to possess their body. The possession itself was the hardest – a demon or spirit cannot possesses a body without their consent. She had to convince Frisk to let her use their body. It was hard at first; she hung around them as a ghost, showing them how to use a SAVE point and how to LOAD a SAVE, occasionally even helping them know who they were fighting against. Chara knew every monster – their characteristics and weaknesses- from the times when she was alive. Frisk was difficult, so to say. They were scared at first, accidentally killing a Froggit and Toriel on their first run. Chara went ballistic on them. Even if she was a demon, her memories of her adoptive mother still remained. So, being killed made Chara want to kill Frisk on the spot. But the kid cried silent tears as they sat with their backs on the Ruins door; facing Toriel's dust.

               When Chara calmed down, she gently rested a ghostly hand on Frisk's shoulder. It didn't feel anything, since she was a ghost, but Frisk appreciated the gesture and signed "I'm sorry. I didn't know." Then they began to tear up again.

               "No,no!" Chara frantically gestured, she didn't like it when children cried "Don't! There's a way to undo everything!"

               Frisk looked at her "What do you mean?"they signed. Chara explained to them how RESET works.

               Frisk did the first RESET after a very long time and Chara's plan was set in motion.

               She was already in the room behind him when Sans noticed her. Sans swivelled and saw her casually leaning on a pillar, slowly sucking on a blueberry bisicle. Sans stared at her in disbelief as she licked the side. Chara looked at him while her tongue was on the blue treat "I'm sorry." She beckoned the bisicle at him "Did you want some?"

               Sans turned his head to the side, hoping that Chara or whatever that thing is didn't notice the faint blue blush dusting his cheeks. He cleared his throat to regain the situation "*why do you bother with a bisicle?" he asked her "*it doesn't offer much health." he pointed out. He had a feeling he knew why and the demon answered his suspicions.

               "It's my favourite flavor." she smirked "Blueberry." She removed herself from pillar "Don't you remember? It was yours too."

               Sans sighed. He was exhausted; maybe a little break wouldn't hurt? They'll kill each other anyway so, why rush it? And he wanted answers.

               "*of course i don't remember." He tried "*i don't know who or what you are."

               "You really can't remember who I am?"

               Sans shrugged "*if you're not going to kill me yet, which i highly doubt it, then enlighten me then." He dragged them to battle once again.

               She didn't speak for the rest of the battle. She kept dodging his attacks but she was getting sloppy. When she attacked him, it was just a few slashes and she withdrew. Sans' inquisitiveness was nagging him "*i thought you were going to answer my question?" 

               Chara gave a short laugh as she drank some Sea Tea she kept in her pack "I never agreed to anything." This gave her a jolt of energy and her HP is acceptable enough. Sans summoned sharp bones and flew it towards her. She nimbly dodged every one, thanks to the Sea Tea.

               "Also, you never specified your answer." She raised her eyebrow "and since when did you start talking civil to me? It's strange, seeing I did kill all of our friends."

               "*would you prefer me doing THIS?" He wrapped his magic around her, lifting her from the ground and slamming her into a wall of bones. Chara's HP quickly depleted as she screamed in agony as the bones pierced her back. Sans brutally extracted her from the wall; tearing some of the material of her sweater and forced her again into the other side. By some twisted miracle, none of the bones directly pierced its heart but penetrated most of its flesh. It screamed in pain.

                 It startled, and as well as frightened, Sans that he was enjoying this creature's misery. Maybe it was because he was had spent too much time with the demon or maybe this was his way of avenging his friends. He wanted this brat to scream, to bleed, to break everything inside of it- everything but kill it. He wanted it to suffer the way he did. Again and again and...

Papyrus would have been disappointed in me

                  That single thought forced Sans out of his sadistic fantasies. The furious glowing in his eye socket turned dark and Chara was dropped to the ground. The Judgement Hall was reappearing again. They were out of the battle phase. Sans stared at his feet; eye sockets dark. What has he become? Didn't he swear that he would never revert to his old ways?

That was my last promise to her.

                      "And he remembered." Chara said, voice still confident and boisterous regardless of the state of her body.  She forced herself up; balancing herself on her elbows as she looked at the skeleton. Sans didn't notice that he had spoken aloud. How was she still alive? He couldn't check what her HP currently was but from the attack and the fall, she would have been dead already.

"Did you know that," Chara shakily got onto her knees " if a human as enough Determination inside a body, it could convert it and create magic?"

Sans shook his head "*impossible. it can never happen, unless-"

"-the human has knowledge about magical arts, correct." Chara finished.

It was just a theory. From his researches, he theorized that since the human soul can persist even after death- through the power of Determination- with enough DT and knowledge it could use DT-powered magic.  "*like i said, sweetheart" Sans looked at her dead in the eye "*impossible."

Chara stood up, clothes singed and torn, smiling at the ground "Is it really?"


Discontinued (Undertale) Trapped Souls - Chara x Sans (R 16+)Where stories live. Discover now