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Okay, so this story is not new. I've just decided not to upload it...until now.
I intitally wrote it for a friend who wanted a story about superheroes. well, I'm no mastermind, but I tried.
this is completely different to what I usually write, so bear with me please.
anyhoo, I hope you guys like it.

I stared down at the city beneath me. It was amazing how they could light it up so much. So much that the stars couldn’t even be seen anymore. I turned my gaze upward towards the sky and suddenly remembered what my mom told me before she died.

“Each one of those stars means something. If you look closely you are able to make out pictures. One day when you’re lost and don’t know where to go; find your way in the stars. They will guide you.”

I sighed and pulled on of my knees up to my chin. I heard the sound of a can falling behind me and I immediately jumped up and hit behind the nearest wall.

I peeked around the wall and saw a girl kicking the said can like it was a football. She was dressed in the darkest black and only realized she was a girl because her hair blew behind her.

I stepped out from my hiding spot and walked up to her. “You really shouldn’t do that. You’re giving me a headache.”

She spun around so quickly that she created wind around her. She flung a fist in my direction and I easily dodged it. She pulled a knife out of the leg of her pants and threw it at me.

“Hey now! What the hell?” I yelled when I knife missed me by an inch.

She ran towards me and kicked me in the chest. I flew back against the wall I hid behind. I picked up her knife and put it against my throat. I could now see that her eyes were covered with a red strip. I could faintly see that her eyes were a soft green and totally went against the way she just treated me.

“Who are you?” I eyes turned cold. I could have sworn the actual temperature dropped.

“No need to get feisty.” I smirked.

“I said who. Are. You?” she pressed the knife harder against my throat.

“Get off me and maybe I’ll tell you.” I tried to get her to move but she wouldn’t budge. We stared at each other and she narrowed her eyes at me before she reluctantly got off.

“Now again, who are you?” she didn’t drop her knife and I made sure to keep a close eye in its movements.

“A person. Next time if you want to dance it would be polite if you actually asked me first instead of throwing me around.” I said dusting off my sleeves.

“I meant your name you idiot.” She rolled her eyes.

“I was getting to that. It’s Wing Blade.” I stood up straighter.

“What kind of stupid name is that? Did you come up with it on your own? Figures.” She scoffed when I didn’t answer. “Why ‘Wing Blade’ anyway?”

“Because I can fly and I have this.” I said shooting a blade out of my sleeve at her. I was disappointed when she caught it between her index and middle finger.

“So you’re the dweeb that’s been leaving his laundry all over the city for me to pick up.”

“I did no such thing! I rescue people. That kind of comes with the superhero job description.”

“You think you’re a superhero?” she all but laughed in my face. “You’re nothing but a lame guy who wears tights and claims he can fly. I think your ballet class is on the other side of town buddy.”

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