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Nicole's POV:

So i arrived with 5 minutes. I walked into the empty abandoned school. I could just look and see all the good memories, everything that made me smile. No Justin or his brothers. First of all it was a question of which one, Justin or Bryce? I messed that one up. Am i gonna mess my life up?

As i walked through i heard my mom, i was in the hall and ran over to the cupboard at the end, opening it i saw a tape recorder, it was me when i was a little girl talking to my mom. My heart shattered, it then hit me. I'd been played. I turned around but it was too late there was Jason.

"Wanna know where your mother is? At home with Hannah and she knows nothing" He whispered the last part. I gulped, suddenly i was shoved against the wall, that hurt.

"What do you want with me?"

"I want you, i want Justin to suffer" He muttered. "Like Selena did" I gulped. "Didnt you hear? We gotta make this quick because im on the run and i cant be found, i'd be put in prison or the many crimes inculding her death" He evily smiled.

"Go on then make it quick" 

"But your so beautiful" He said as he caressed my cheek, it was horrible, his touch, the feeling. But that didnt stop him when he threw me to the floor by my hair. "Such a lovely body" He got down next to me. "It be a shame if someone hurt it" He said as he got out a knife, he was on top of me holding me down as he cut down my legs, my arms and a cut on my cheek. This is the end.

"Goodbye" He chuckled as he held my nose, closing my mouth so i could no longer breathe.


Justin's POV:

As soon as i saw Jason on top of her, i ran over, punching him, flooring him as we beat each other, i threw him against the walls as he did me. "Shes a very pretty girl" I punched him right in the jaw.

"Your a fucking lucky guy, i could just kill you right now"

"Why wont you?" I looked at Nicole who wasnt even breathing. 

"Because your not worth it" I said as i let go of him. "You go and you never come back"

"No can do" He smirked as he ran out, i ran over to Nicole, she was bleeding, she had bruises and cuts on her body, i fell apart. I called 911, they came straight away as we got her to hospital, her sister and her mom came, her mom blamed me and obviously i took the blame because it was my fault.

"Is she gonna be alright?" We asked the doctor.

"Shes fine, shes breathing again, if you hadnt of got there when you did she may not be alive" The doctor said to me, i looked down. "Her cuts will heal in time" He smiled "Shes awake, so you may come in and see her, only one person at a time please" He said and walked out.

"Justin you go first"

"No i dont think so"

"Please she'd want to see you" Her mother said, i sighed and walked in, i felt awful.

"Hey" I said as i walked over to her "Im so sorry" I said as i took her hand.

"It wasnt your fault"

"Yes it was because Jasons my brother! I dragged you down with this!"

"You didnt answer the phonecall" She sighed.

"We need to talk" I mumbled.

"A-About what?"

"Us" I gulped.

"W-What are you saying?"

"I think we should break up."

Nicole's POV:


"W-What are you saying?"

"I think we should break up." Is he joking?

"J-Justin" I couldnt speak properly, i was flooding out with tears.

"Its for the best"

"No it isnt we can make it work"

"Babe you nearly died and i cant let that happen, im doing this because i love you"

"But i love you too, dont i matter anymore?!"

"Jason will find you, hes gonna keep coming after you if your with me"

"You cant do this Justin"

"I have too, im so sorry, you know im doing this for you"

"Justin please"

"You cant change what happened Nicole, but you nearly died and that was my fault"

"No it wasnt and you know that!"

"Babe im sorry but i cant hurt you anymore, i cant lie to you anymore its better like this" I said as i took my hand out of hers.

"So your just gonna walk away from everything we had?" I looked down.

"What we had was special and it was everything but we have to let it go"

"But i cant do it on my own"

"You have your mom and sister, you dont need me messing up your life anymore"

"But i loved it Justin, everything about it, Justin i dont care if im chased for the rest of my life, i wanna spend it with you"

"I think its best you go back to being my fan, atleast that way i cant hurt you"

"So what am i supposed to do?! Forget everything!? Its not easy Justin!"

"I promise you your gonna be safe now" He said as he kissed my head. "Goodbye" He said with tears in his eyes as he walked out, i watched as it broke my heart. Then my sister and mother came in to see me bursting out in tears, i couldnt even talk.


-1 Month Later-

"How much you got?"

"Another 10" Adele said, throwing it into the pile of the 590 dollars that we had.

"We need another 1,500 dollars, where we gonna get that from?" I shrugged.

I was still shook up about my breakup with Justin so im smoking alot more than i used to. Its mean to be spring break. Everyones going away meanwhile im sitting in an empty classroom with my girls counting the money we dont have. My mom thinks im going on spring break so i couldnt go home.

"I have an idea" Milly said. "Nicole you stay here, we'll be back later" She said as she took the girls with her as they walked out the door. I sighed and made myself comfy in the pillows we had. It was a few hours till they returned.

"Wakey wakey sleepy head" Adele was shaking me.

"We're going to barbados" I shok my head up, looking at all the money.

"How you get it?!"

"Well lets just say we wernt good girls tonight" Shannon laughed.

"You robbed didnt you?" They nodded "Are you insane?! We could go to jail! The cops could get us!"

"Calm it girl, we wore masks no one suspected a thing, you bags packed?" I nodded "We'll c'mon we're gonna miss the bus!" My face lit up with a massive smile as i quickly got up, we skipped down the hallway, screaming and jumping around.

I couldnt believe it.

I was going on spring break.

And i was happy.


Her and Justin no more, will they meet up again? >>>>>>>

10 VOTES AND 10 COMMENTS FOR NEXT UPDATE god guys im so tired >.<

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