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It was so beautiful! Words can't describe how wonderful I felt in that moment. How wonderful I thought it was to be able to show a whole other word. All you ever imagined on the pages of a book coming to life right before your eyes. If you guessed that I'm talking about a movie then you're right. I guess I can be a little predictable.
Now the movie I'm watching at the moment is one that I have probably watched about a million times now. So it's nothing new, that I can assure you. What can I say I have no shame when it comes to this. I absolutely love movies and Journey to The Center of the Earth might not have been your cup of tea or you might of not even heard of it. But for me that movie opened my eyes to many things when I was younger.
I know you might be thinking about how that movie opened my eyes or maybe you don't even care. All I am is a girl that sometimes goes by the name Ally telling you a bit of a story. But if you are wondering why and I hope you are then keep reading I promise you'll see the reasons why...

Just so you know all I own are my characters and a lot are yet to come:)

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